Fulltimegeek Talks About The Responsibilities Of A Steem Witness

in fulltimegeek •  6 years ago 

Thank you all that have voted for my witness. You guys are awesome.

Special thanks to: @thejohalfiles & @dtube for pushing me to the top 100, and @lyndsaybowes for being the first voter.

I won't be able to reply to comments until later tonight.

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MASA "Make Steem(it) Great Again" will now be my campaign slogan hahaha

claim it before someone else do!

Let’s make @fulltimegeek trend!💪🏼

From steemd.com

On the Steem blockchain, witnesses serve a role of validating signatures and timestamping transactions by including them in blocks. A block is any group of transactions (posts, votes, transfers, etc) which update the state of the database. Each time a witness produces a block, they are paid for their service. If a witness fails to produce a block, then they are not paid, and may even be voted out.

Witnesses are generally expected to manage a reliable block producing node, implement a failover system, maintain a public seed node, tune blockchain operating parameters, publish correct price feeds, author/discuss improvement proposals, review code changes, and to be active. Some contribute to core repositories such as steemd. Some fund the development of other apps and infrastructure projects. Top-20 witness pay is $7,000 per month (approximately) based on the current feed price.

Every round of block production begins with the shuffling of 21 witnesses: the top 20 witnesses (by vote), plus one randomly-selected standby witness. Each is given a turn to produce a single block at a fixed rate of one block every 3 seconds. If a witness does not produce a block in their time slot, then that time slot is skipped, and the next witness produces the next block.

$7,000 per month

That's ~4.5 times more than my account is worth. It's also about 5 times less than one years salary in Sweden... It's sad and disappointing that so many witnesses are collecting an insane amount of rewards for doing literally nothing... And there's nothing we can do about it.

$7000 is not a lot. Unless you are a socialist/communist. People in big roles should be paid more. "insane amount" have some perspective. This is not that much above a regular salary. They are being witnesses they are doing stuff.

Many are TEAMS. For most it is a full time job!

I know a Top 20 team member, of 2 people, and after all the expenses and the 50-50 split, it is not a lot of cash. PLUS, this particular witness is putting it all into powering up and not using any to live on. It's a lot less than one might think!

I have no problem with people earning money. I don't mind $7000 salaries either, as long as they're worth it. And no, I don't think that all those witnesses are worth that amount. Some of them? Sure. All of them? No way.

The average salary in Sweden is $3746 per month. That's my perspective.

Average in Croatia is 600 USD.I must move to Sweden...

Maybe ... but also everyday life is much more expensive there ... :)

Top 20 makes $7k/month, and yes they are ALL worth it. They all do the max # of blocks, they earn it all. Server Costs are around $700/month (or more!) so 10% (or more) of the pay they receive. Now top 50 actually make a "profit" by most people's measure, and it takes at least top 80 (give or take) to "break even" and pay for your server costs. However, a lower slot has less hardware needs. At these steem prices, no one is getting rich. Think of steem witnesses as MINERS. They deserve to make a profit. If TPTB would deem that the top 100 all got the same # of block producing opportunities, lower hardware costs and a more spread out payout would make it easier on everyone. But they set it up for top 20. I project that in the future, if steem rises to around $10, that we will have many more blocks to spread around. I would love to see a distribution chart among the witnesses if our traffic rises by a factor of 10x or more. You know ppl will be clamoring to join SteemPeak and similar UI's...

I totally understand your point, but I still disagree. There are witnesses in the top 20 that I'd rather see at a different position. I know a handful of witnesses I'd rather put in the top 20 than some of the existing witnesses.

FTG for instance, belongs in the top 20 without a doubt, but that's just my opinion.

In my mind, that is a different point entirely, but I agree with that. Here's a couple of points:

  1. A witness' JOB ONE is to reliably produce blocks. One every MINUTE. (3 sec x 20 = 60 seconds, then it's your turn again!)
  2. We need to look at the witness reliability record to determine if they "belong"... Some T20 are less stellar than others!
  3. FTG is a great Steemian, for sure. I'm sure a LOT of that translates over to being a great witness, but if one cannot crank out the blocks at the 1 per Minute rate, then a lower spot is better.

There is a learning curve and it's for a good reason, one can learn the hardware and software on an "As Needed Basis" because pretty much until you get like top 50 it's not very hardware intensive. I'm backing FTG as well, we have a good common friend that speaks highly of him...
FTG may be a good Top20 but I know our witness is capable, 35 years in IT and also a crack developer, hard to beat combo. On the 0.20.4 patch, she was activated before 80% of the top 20 and running smoothly. I have one of the top blockchain people in Steem on my TEEM
(lol) But we have to PROVE IT. Stay Tuned!


$7000 is nearly double the average wage and is incorrect
top witness gets 8500 steem a month
top 20 witness gets 7500 steem a month

also the average price of steem the last year is over $2.5 so its more like $16k a month top witnesses earned

in january alone average price was $4 so for january top witness earned $32k

... sigh , you know it's very unbecoming, the old-american idea of socialism dating back to the cold war , but i dont wanna get into that

$7000 is a WHOLE LOT to sit on your ass and rake in the money , its decent pay if you're fulltime at it working for a community of thousands (i dont think theres actually a million people here despite the number of accounts) , if you do that , like FULL-time then its probably like , "not bad" since you're doing what you like, but if , like a lot of what i see, i dont notice much b/c i dont walk upthere is just raking it in because you happened to come into the game with money, you set up a node, did some campaigning, like basically spent some advertising money and now just live it up , that makes it a WHOLE lot
but i didnt come here to get into politics, i just made a request @brandonfrye , where i got the mention for @fulltimegeek here

its here :


i would like a total explanation, numbers, formulas, everything, if not in language i can understand then maybe even in language people who, unlike me, arent past "hello world" level yet

i would love that very much, so anyone who can provide that ?

can get my 0.03cent vote, lol :)

please keep in mind here im not interested in a row on communism and capitalism, that gets me nothing but a waste of time , i know all the opinions on the matter and they dont matter to me, the point here im trying to make is 7000 is more than i get in a year, a lot more soon, so for sitting on the same ass that's a lot, now the witnesses doing it right or doing MORE, like @yabapmatt i guess, got steembottracker, gets advertising money, wrote most of the bots (as i hear) while most people using them are just capable of using github clones AND have the money to operate it, AND got steemmonsters going on at the moment, thats gonna be a lot more than 7k a month PLUS the i dont know how many dollar click, but thats working for it :)

but i just came here to request posts explaining the numbers in the current state of the network, clearly, consisely and preferably with formulas i can use too :)


It's also about 5 times less than one years salary in Sweden...

i think you mean more

average salary in sweden is $2500 a month


Thanks for the info!
Ive always been curious as to what it entails to be a witness. Are witnesses selected purely on votes or does geography and infrastructure also play a role?
Thank you again for your great wealth of knowledge that you share with us!

Posted using Partiko Android

All VOTES. So a new witness (like my team) have to make it up with reliability, PR and a good record. New D-Apps and services help a lot too, and get your users of the apps to vote for you. Hitting the radio/podcasts is a great way to meet people and find votes, as well. It's a huge PR deal, but you must have the cajones to back it up ;-) My partner has 35 years IT and programming experience, and she was the 5th Witness to have our server up and running on either v20.4 or v20.5, all the rest were in the top 22 witnesses. She is a Top 20 Witness in her capabilities, for sure ;)

yup, that's the one I was talking about

I (together with all of my family members here on STEEM) will vote for you, too, as soon as I will be back home from my Asian trip (I don't like to use the active key while traveling ...).

I just saw your post and it looks beautiful over there. Enjoy your vacation and thank you so much for the support!

Thanks for the good wishes, and as soon as I am back I will adjust some of my witness votes (even if of course my influence is very limited). :)

Thank you for doing this @fulltimegeek! Asher is my proxy, so I know you're now one of my witnesses too now :)

There's so much different information and opinions here, but there are a few I trust; one being you, another is certainly Asher. I'm certainly not giving lip service when I use the word trust ... your generosity is like none other here, so I have to believe that you have the blockchain's best interest at heart, as well as the people who interact here.

Thank you again, for this, and all you do.

Thank you as always for the support @lynncoyle1 -- it's much appreciated :)

There's so much different information and opinions here, but there are a few I trust; one being you, another is certainly Asher.

I strive to build that trust and will surely live up to it. I will also attempt to demystify everything going on with witnesses and what they've been up to.

You are most welcome @fulltimegeek!

I will also attempt to demystify everything going on with witnesses and what they've been up to.

If anyone can, I believe it's you :) Go get 'em Tiger!!

Only good will come of this, thanks for standing up @fulltimegeek! We got you Captain.

I aspire to build this place up if given the opportunity. We'll see how it goes ...

Number 1 fan. lol


Best Stalker Award! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I have been accused of such, myself. I'm like, hey! They don't call me "allseeing" for nothin'!

...as advertised
Dark-Alley sheep .jpg

Bwa hahha nice. I take my job quite seriously too, a card carrying member of #memen.

I Totally Agree :)

Hi @fulltimegeek, finally i managed to vote you as my witness. I like you put your face in this post, thats means you are human and give an human service, so if you can do something against this restriction of post and comment after HF20 i will be happy to enjoy here, but if my RC will go again in the condition to make me silence as it happens last week, so i will leave this platform that has become only for elite community

Yes, I'm a 100% warm blooded human :)

so if you can do something against this restriction of post and comment after HF20 i will be happy to enjoy here

The hindrance minnows like yourself experienced this past week will not be commonplace if I have anything to do with it.

Voted for you, I just removed votes for a few witnesses who I don't think deserve it

We are going to prepare a campaign for Latinos to vote for you.

Muchas gracias hermano!

well if my girl @lindsaybowes trusts you then you have my vote too!

Thank you @eaglespirit. If you want someone who has all of our best interests in mind helping to run the blockchain, someone who will pick the truth, and doing what's right, over taking MONEY, then @fulltimegeek is a very wise choice for a witness vote.

sure thing mah gurl! i've seen him around and seen the people he likes (some have been my friends), glad you are one of them. i respect you highly as well as our tribes and from what i've gathered FTG is in full support of us so i have not worries to trust you all in this. hugs.

@fulltimegeek Make Steem great agian. We believe in you! We need that smart brain of yours! 😉👍

I will try to not disappoint and make Steem great again. You guys do set the bar quite high though, lol jk.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Mad respect and congrats man! I’ll share the news! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 Resteemed!

Always happy to see other Steem champions in my comments :)

Thanks for the support


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Well man...even the ones who had no idea what are the responsibilities of a witness...they should have a PHD by now. You explained everything with simplicity.

Of course resteemed and best of luck. Even though I am sure that you won't need any...you have the skillz and us!

I'm glad my video was educational as it was intended. Sometimes I'm not too sure how to explain some things due to the level of complexity. But, it seems like this message was well received.

Thanks for the vote and resteem :)

Message was crystal clear...

As for the vote and the resteem...well, it is the least I could do.

I wish my vote had more weight to push you further up

I didn't know you're from the east coast too. :) Thanks for this explanation on witnessing and the servers. I would hope the top witnesses have the three servers as the bare minimum. You have an extra server running for the fulltimbots to support the community, so everyone on top should have the witness server, backup, and seed node. They could afford that.

Happy to hear you're working on a project for Steem Monsters. I'm a fan of the community there. It would be great to be able to track the cards!

Is it faith?

Faith in Steem and some of the people here 😁

Very happy you are a witness. I think there is a good bunch there now and look forward to you bringing your positivity to the table.Is there going to be a bot called fulltimewitness lol?

I actually registered fulltimewitness but decided to stick with ftg for simplicity sake. Everyone already knows me by that name and wasn't trying to create a stumbling block in voting for my witness.

I hope to bring my positivity and know-how to the very tippy-top!

Speak to us, oh, geeky one!

This is so fantastic. Thanks for taking the time to explain what makes a witness. It'll really come in handy next time someone asks me what the heck I'm talking about. I can just be like (link) here, let him tell you himself.

You were in the 90's when I went to sleep. Now look! Oh boy! Oh boy!

I will try to continue making videos on this subject. The more we scrutinize witnesses the more they'll get done.

Back in the Old World, the concept of scrutinizing the PIC to influence their behavior is an exotic concept. I like it a lot better here!

bilderbear website flat.jpg


I think you'll be ~50 within the next day or two and around 30 in less than a week. If not, something is truly messed up around here... Oh, wait...


msga tRUMP LOL.png


"Ask not what your blockchain can do for you—ask what you can do for your blockchain." ~ Fulltimegeek

Not sure how much my vote helps but make steemiants proud :)

Your vote and comment helps greatly with moral support :)

Well you got this humble minnow one... and I take the chance to say thanks for your support so far.

I humbly thank you. Your music is absolutely beautiful btw.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Aw thanks for the lovely encouragement, more music and art are on the way. These weeks been doing some small venues and hosting touring voditing friends so I have had less time but definitely more coming along . 🐁🍁💜

Incentivized monster chain! You got my witness vote!

hahaha, that's only the beginning!

Nice ! Just voted for you there. 15 minutes , 15 sminutes!

You have my support @fulltimegeek. Voted for you as my witness 😀

You have my gratitude. Thank you very much.

Yes !! Just voted today ! Best news for Steemit since I got here. Thank you for all the support you give accross the platform . Now time to watch the video. =)

lol. Thank you for the support and music you bring to dsound.

Frankly never knew about you @fulltimegeek until you are on your witness thing. Post hf20 every second post i came across was about supporting your witness..with few things to know through asher post.....going by the wind and everyone liking...you got my support too...
The good great smart steemian👌

Posted using Partiko Android

Frankly never knew about you @fulltimegeek until you are on your witness thing

I don't post very often because I'm usually coding or working on some nerd stuff. I'm glad you found me though :)

Love to see so many good steemian like asher , stellabelle behind and backing up the nerdy stuff 😉...👌

Posted using Partiko Android

Got my vote and when I checked you were number 81 active number 73. Wow you have moved up fast!

Expect things to go much FASTER, HARDER and BETTER soon ...

hey thanks for the groove my baby and I danced to it.

Thanks for getting into the mix of becoming more available to everyone.

Its time for an alliance between the 20 to 60 witnesses so they can have a secret slack of their own. 40 of the top 60 should be a strong force to recon with.

We need to get this to trending ASAP!!!! I lovin that SteemMonster idea. It would be great to look up every SM transaction to research a card.

I'm just as excited as you are to make that Monster Chain happen. Once that's done, it'll probably be an Android app I'll make for it.

Word you will end up an immortal hero in the SteemMonster community!!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm glad you're up and running. When I first heard that you were launching a witness, I knew it was something that the community could get excited about since you've been so clearly in support of the community from the time I heard about you.

Looking forward to seeing what your work with Steem Monsters will bring, and then down the line, the other projects that could be brought on as a result of your next stage. Woot, woot!

Hey FTG! Welcome to the Witness Ranks. Doing Well!
I can likely get you a "witness interview" on the minnowbootcamp discord server, if you are interested. It's an hour time slot but it goes Quick ;-)
LMK man!

I can likely get you a "witness interview" on the minnowbootcamp discord server, if you are interested.

Yea, that's probably not a bad idea. You can msg me on discord @fulltimegeek#9539

Thanks for the vote and support

Do you have any idea how many people you just shared that ^^^ comment with by tagging yourself? Steemit fail! lololol

I'm sure he does... or does now! LMAO

You are most welcome, FTG!
I have this thing called the "Dolphin Council" and it includes witnesses, I was wondering if you might be interested in that. We meet at the Minnowbootcamp Discord, but I soon want to get a dedicated server for the group... We are currently small, but seeking Quality as opposed to Quantity ;-)

PS: check ur DM's 🐋


Are you going to call bullshit when needed or more of the same as has been? see ats-advid post for clarification! https://steemit.com/steem/@ats-witness/did-we-learn-any-lessons-from-hf20
Or simply do not bother, but hey what do I know, I am no circle jerk!

Are you going to call bullshit when needed or more of the same as has been? see ats-advid post for clarification!

I've called out their bullshit plenty of times before. Perhaps not as much as ats-david or bernie but, I've done my fair share.

Fair enough, and good enough for me.

This is complete bullshit. @fulltimegeek is nothing but a STINC fanboy who attacks anyone who doesn't go along with their plan. For example, my plan to fund independent development by using MY own stake to vote on MY posts.

Fucking moron.

Great to have you as a witness, it's important to have more smart, good natured people involved. :)
Thanks for your vote for me too. <3

Ditto on all that. Thanks for the love fellow witness!

With great power comes great responsibility! Thanks for being a positive influence on the community my friend and supporting the @moneymatchgaming company reach our goal of becoming a true influencer in the gaming/blockchain community

With great power comes great responsibility!

Very true!

I'm happy to hear that my positive influence hasn't gone unnoticed and that it has infected others haha. May it spread far and wide! lol

i saw the recommendations flooding in form steemians i really respect and follow. plus the post @brandonfrye made a few months ago....

I was sold.

you got my vote sir. appreciate you and look forward to following your journey into witness-hood?? is that a word. it should be lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

You know they have to be good if @brandonfrye is recommending them haha. I can't thank that man enough for all the love he's given me. I've been a huge supporter of his since I found him on the blockchain a while back. I noticed his passion and professionalism right away and bombarded him with upvotes. I also voted for his witness after I noticed he had one. He definitely cares for the Steem community and seems quite capable to run a witness.

absolutely man. absolutely. few the same way.

Posted using Partiko iOS

It is interesting this from the witnesses I would like to know more about how to be a witness or you could be selected by someone to be, anyway thanks for the information!

Truly stoked to see you go full on with the witness stuff. Wish I could vote more than once ;)

Good luck!

First comment? :)

But why ?

joke, bro.

He's just mad he wasn't first :)

you always put a smile on my face bro!


Posted using Partiko iOS

In my opinion they are very good witness.

Posted using Partiko Android

Voted for you! I would vote twice if I could. You are one of the people who are most dedicated and have shown more commitment to STEEM that I know. Your delegation really helped me out a while back. Keep it up!

welcome again.. nice to see a face, instead of the blue face ;-)

I don't know much about the witness, I learn more from the comments. I understand they're miners.
I understand the advantage of the witness being voted but I didn't understand what my advantage is to vote for a witness.
My question for @fulltimegeek and @underground , is: What changes for me if I vote for witness X or witness Y?
I mention that I voted for @fulltimegeek (because a friend asked me) and I voted for more witnesses who have developed different applications that I use.

You have my vote already! :D I think that you will be amazing witness :D

You got my witness vote @fulltimegeek!

Fantastic, I was looking forward to hearing about your set up and your plans. I wish you massive success with your witness project

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm glad that my voice helped you)). At least some small share.

Well you seem like a genuine guy. You got my vote bro!


Witnesses need to be leaders and a conduit between users and Steemit Inc.

It is understandable that the top 20 witness pay would leave a little more to ONLY perform a little extra over and beyond what is expected. Witnesses often take the position that this is all that they should actually be doing.

What witnesses should really be doing is everything possible to make this place great. It might be in excess of what they are paid, but if they are successful, then their stake in STEEM would be more valuable! Imagine if STEEM were $10 per. What would witnesses be making then?

Steemit Inc does not want to be a leader. It is clear they don't want that responsibility. It is up to Witnesses to be leaders not just coders and node owners. It is up to witnesses to push STEEM to a entirely different level.

If you take on a leadership role, you will have my vote.

Wait you're not actually blue?? #worldviewshattered ;)

So glad to see you witnessing again! If I'm not mistaken, you were a witness before (also before I got to know you). I know that you're more than capable of being a witness, there's no doubt that you have the best intentions for the blockchain, and you'll bring some serious technical knowledge to the table. You have my vote! :)

I'm happy to support your witness as well Brandon. This is actually my first time running one. The past two years I dedicated to learning how Steem works, building the community, and developing my fulltimebots application. Now that I feel comfortable with this technology, I decided to run a witness.

I REALLY appreciate the support you've shown in every area. As someone else mentioned, you're the minnows' witness.. somebody who truly stands up for the little guys (and girls) on the blockchain.

And wow, I stand corrected. Not sure where I picked that up from, but I'm glad you're running now. As I said, I know that you're more than versed in several different programming languages, and just what you've done with your bots shows that you are able to build high-end applications that communicate with the blockchain.

I'm really looking forward to what you create next. I'm going to have to study up on SteemMonsters. I STILL haven't gotten into the game/cards yet lol. I know.. I know.. what am I waiting on right?

Anyways, thanks again for all that you do for the blockchain. Really glad we got connected and share the same long-term vision for this platform!

Hey @fulltimegeek! I've been trying to watch your video since yesterday, but I have no chance to get it started. Supposedly it's due to my relatively low internet connection that seldomly enables me to watch anything published on dtube (same happened on dlive, too - not wanting to point a finger at a specific app).

If you had a chance to upload your video to Youtube, too, I'd very much appreciate that.

Ok, give me like 15min. Uploading now ...

Oh, that was quick!!! Thank you :-))
Sometimes people belive I am from Mars not being able to watch a video online, but that's the price one pays for living on a small island though...

Looking forward to watch it!

Here you go :)

What a service, thank you so much!! :-)

I watched the entire video and enjoyed it very much, thanks for the information provided. So far I had no idea how much a top 20 witness was effectively able to earn, that's been a nice insight. steemd.com is one of my favorite service sites actually, there's a lot of useful information provided.

Btw, you forgot to explain what a seed server is in the end :-), but I guess and hope this won't be your last video as a witness... doing great!


I had to unvote another witness in order to be able to vote for you - any possible complaints will be directly forwarded to you, hehe.

Happy steeming!

This was a great video u got my vote and I love the support you doing for steemit this is something that was much needed

I’m glad. Voting soon and if you can recommend ones who are good like you let me know

Posted using Partiko iOS

Awesome video! Watched the entire thing! A REAL PERSON!!!!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

U are so smart guy. 100% u deserve top20. 4 servers thats awesome! btw. when I look at u Im starting to regret that I wasnt brushing my teeth as a kid xD

Those are great plans and I'm looking forward to seeing your progress!

Awesome to see you crack the top 100 so fast... Now lets get you to the top 20 :) Great job and very happy to see you making this happen!

!popcorn Witnesses matter!

Posted using Partiko Android

@fulltimegeek you just got my vote!👍 :-)

Hi @fulltimegeek!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 6.616 which ranks you at #127 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has not changed in the last three days.

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 726 contributions, your post is ranked at #12.

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • You've built up a nice network.
  • The readers appreciate your great work!
  • Great user engagement! You rock!

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

I have only voted for 3 witness. A lot of votes left. Where can I read what you do and ett vote at you?

It was great news to hear that you had taken on the mantle of witness, @fulltimegeek. My 30 choices better be on their best behavior lest one of my votes opens up for you. 😎

Thank you for being as you are, worthy example to follow. You have my humble vote as a witness.


You got my vote today, brother!

Your brotherly love is much appreciated :)

I am thrilled to see you being already in the top 80 so quickly. You deserve it and I am sure you make a fantastic job as a witness. Your new Steem Monsters chain sounds very promising!

I will do my best to bring this blockchain the innovation it greatly needs. Thank you for the enthusiasm, I feel the same way.

I had no idea you were working on being a witness. I need to go vote for you :D

I am LOVING Fulltimebot. Did some research when I discovered the FullTimeBot thing on my posts for the first time. So it's up to 8 hours after posting a post, good to know :p I was wondering what the pattern was. I always see 4 to 5 upvotes after several hours as the bots make their rounds.

I'm curious, once the bots earn more SP, are the 80 bot and beyond there to hold the extra Steem and then distribute it equally to every single bot? Each bot has pretty much the same amout of SP, so I have theories on how you do it, but let me know how you do it. In any case, it's brilliant.

Implementing changes to Steem Monsters will be really good. It's going to help bring more people to the game.

Well it looks like we have a project in common, Steem Monsters ;) Although in very different ways.

You sound like a man with a plan! It's great to hear from you. Looking forward to seeing the progress you will bring to the Steem Blockchain.

Here’s to you getting to the top and shaking things up.


This is one of the easiest votes I've ever made :) Your drive and passion for the platform speaks for itself .. as does your ability to cut through the crap and say it how it is. I have high hopes and knowledge that the old place is in very capable hands. All the best to you @fulltimeeek

Voted for ya!

Thanks a lot for doing your work. I'm @clixmoney and this is my second account. I just voted for you as a witness. I'm building this community to make more collaborations in steem blockchain. We are now doing interviews, collaboration videos and building it step by step. I will always vote for the same witness with both accounts. Thanks for any suppot, we use all the earning to power up and upvote our members.