ADSactly Fun - Positivity Shines!

in fun •  7 years ago 



In my work there has been a great deal of chatter about being positive. To make a difference by presenting an optimistic attitude to any problem. Breaking the cycle of negativity which was impacting our ability to deliver. As one catchy poster had as it's slogan.

To be frank, when you are living in a country like Scotland and Winter is plainly refusing to get the heck out of here. It is understandably hard to maintain such a positive outlook.

Well, it is hard for your normal run of the mill human being. Fortunately, I am no such soul.

After attending what seemed like yet another meeting in which our bosses exhorted us to Shine with Positivity. I and others were getting a bit narked off with it all.

I decided to throw it right back at them. I can shake my positive tooshy with the best of them it has been said. My boss has been one of the more vocal champions of this new initiative. I decided to see how long it would take me to break him.



So this morning I arrived at my desk. I checked the time, 9.00 AM on the button.

Good morning everyone!

I boomed like a psychotic well-wishing maniac.

The haunted denizens of my team looked up with dark depressed eyes. A few desultory morning's were mumbled at me. My boss, who has never been at his best in the mornings ignored me.

I sat down and hummed Singing in the rain whilst checking my mail.

The chap who sat beside me, Ashton, made a face as if he was struggling with his inner demons on the toilet.



I've got zero energy this morning and your humming is getting on my nerves.

Ashton said rather bluntly.

Aha!! I swivelled my chair around to face him.

Ashton. Consider how you present yourself. Try to avoid using phrases like "zero energy." Perhaps say, "my energy levels are low but I am still killing it." Not only will you sound more positive but by continuing to modify your negative language you will start to feel more positive too.

I swung my chair quite smugly back to face my pc.

What a load of rubbish.

Muttered Ashton crabbily.

And never fling your negativity up a man's back if you can help it!

I laughed out loud at the challenges of life and steadfastly ignored any further ramblings from Ashton's corner. I checked the clock, it was 09:10 AM

My boss was looking over disapprovingly but wasn't saying anything. Obviously not trusting himself to speak about my antics.

I cast him a snarky eye.



Boss man. Remember you were asking for suggestions for a team motto?


He said, slightly defensively.

I have one, How about... Breaking the Negativity Donkey's Back Since 2015


He replied flatly.

Absolutely, let us announce our intent to all the other teams!

He struggled valiantly not to shout in indignant fury that I wasn't taking this initiative seriously. Finally, he reigned in his errant temper and hissed like a tired old snake.

We can add it to the list.


I boomed even more loudly than when I had first arrived. People were looking up in irritation from all corners of the office now.

My boss shook his head.

We have a problem in Live, can you take a look at it? It's urgent.

Well, see that in itself is not right!

I exclaimed manically.

What is not right?

He growled.

By stating we have a problem we are insinuating a negative mindset into the team.




He barked.

Perhaps you should try saying something like... Chaps, an opportunity has presented itself in the Live system. Who wants to have a go first?

I beamed positivity at my red-faced boss. Who was becoming redder by the second. He shuddered and twitched a bit. I fancied that I could see steam coming out of his ears.


He bellowed, before stomping off in a rage.

I looked at the clock - 09:17 AM.

Already I had the day marked down as a success.


What about you? Can you turn any negative into a positive? Do you like to mess with your Boss's head?

Tell us your best tales in the comments. I will be there to listen!

Authored by: @meesterboom

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Positive thinking is very important in all stages of life because negative thoughts only give you health problems and tensions.

@introvert-dime always at the first comment.
You vote yourself but do not to this post. hehehe

I upvoted this post as well if you see.

Sorry for begging in here.
Can you guys comment anything with nice workds Like "looks good, wow, nice article bruh" ? It will be a help. Please ?
And I will appreciate more if you can upvote too.
I will upvote back to your blogs too.
Thats my promise

Hey thats a bit spammy you know

I am sorry. 😣

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Having positive attitude and some knowledge is all it takes for someone to be successful in most of his endeavor. Being positive will give you perseverance in all your toil. Even if you failed nor stumble, you will still rise-up & continue on your journey to success.

well said guys @elizahfhaye @adsactly ! commiting yourself to a positive attittude is the healthiest way to live and it doesn't only affect you but also the people around you and people around them and so on, in the end you get a great society made by positive people.

I remember my old boss praising me for my positive attitude. I wasn't being deliberatly positive though.
I presented a funding propsal to him with the title 'Xxxxx aims to significantly increase mortality rates in xxxxx by 2020'
Of course, my dyslexic brain decided to write immortality instead of mortality. After rolling around on the floor in hysterics, he praised me for my positive outlook.

Immortality would do it for me!! :O)

Posting yang menarik dan sudah kami upvote ya..

Menarik ini artikelnya dan sudah kami follow ya.. =)

this is fun

I am utterly positive that I can mess with anybody's head on any given day. I'm not sure I'm of the 17 minute caliber as I like to drink a cup of the company coffee before I really start.

Pretty quick work on a problem that probably didn't exist. Those are often the most vexing.

Thanks for a great smile this morning.

Thats the stuff! I do like to drink a cup of coffee before I start too :O)

Its always fun reading through your articles.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

This made me chuckle at my desk. I do like to try to turn things into a positive whenever possible, but your example shows it can be a bit too much if you really go for it. I do wonder what the reaction would be like if you carried this on for a week or so!

I suspect I would be out of a job, lol!

It seems like your boss isn't positive and it's more of a lip service to the higher up. Nice trolling.

It is a lip service and I like that, I was trolling, I just didnt realise it!! :OD

Everybody more likely than not made his supervisor irritated and right then and there the climate is becoming busy. I was once amidst my two managers and I marginally irritated them when I held my hand phone and talked. they take a gander at me and I don't recognize what they mean. I at last understood that I had coincidentally botched their brains while examining.


I am always think positive.

nice post...
an exceptional article..
your content of the post is so informative for us..
thanks a lot for sharing your valuable post with us...
@upvote & @resteem has done..

Great content.
I like fun. thanks for sharing valuable post.
I appreciate your writing...

@adsactly I can relate to this so much it's awesome 🤣👌 I was not long ago working in a poundworld store someone took a photo of me working sharing it onto Snapchat groups captioning pound guy with a laughing face I went onto put a reference in some lyrics and made a track out of it different situation I know but I act similar life's hard enough without people's attitudes towards it it's good to take on a more positive attitude I say the mind can either spell paradise or parasites proof read your thoughts 🍊💨 @theorangegent

This is a nice writeup @adsactly...I like it and I would say for people to be positive about us,it start from each and every one of us in particular.Be positive about yourself today and you are far above where you never imagined in no time.ENJOY

Great writing
I like it this story
I appreciate your post
Thanks for sharing this life......

Thank you very much for your post. you have informed us in this regard. I am waiting for your support in the last posting. good luck luck

Good you post

nice post sir. restemeed and upvote!! :)


I love adsactly

Its just great encouragement i see there

Hahahahahahaha! This really cracked me up, i can imagine the fury burning in your boss eyes while you were messing with his brain and he couldn't talk.

It feels like a masqurate that has farted while fully geared in his costume, he only will bear the smell.

I am an advovate of starting the day in positive vibes, it determines how much postive energy will flow through you for the restof the day.

Keep the good work up @adsactly

así es , tener fe y ser positivo,te deseo éxito

thank you for a kind information....thank you so much...keep it up carry on your activity best of luck try something new....

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

wah really a tremendous inspiration story, today I do not have a story because I am again upset about thinking very little steemit in the vote people, therefore the presence of masters on my blog with comments and votes I really hope. thank you master

That is really great of are really right.

Good morning to you also, it's really good to have fun, I like fun too. Thanks for sharing @adsactly

  ·  7 years ago 


Always be positive, life is what you want

Words have the power to change our mind set completely. If we are not aware of it, we are just being mechanical.

hahahahaha.... excellent !

@adsactly Yes you right that negative attitude impact our ability to deliver badly. We must have a positive attitude against every consequence either it's bad or good.
It is your attitude toward others and the universe that determines the resulting attitude toward you. Have a positive, joyful attitude and you'll have positive, joyful results. Put out a bad, negative attitude and you've failed before you begin.
Basically, what you think is you get.

¡Hola! ¿Como estas @adsactly? hay que tener una actiud positiv, siempre sera mejor que la negativa, un fuerte abrazo, gusto de saludarte.

Great tale. I admire people who can always stay so positive.

Always try to be a positive thinker. But failed to do so. Thanks for your information.

A wonderful story from you, Haha! Well done
You have strange stories with
Thanks for sharing

Nice story, a different perception that I have not thought about, itis true that we can set negative mindsets too easily.

its really good to read your article.keep it up we really enjoy it.

This is brilliant!

Good teman

I try to be a pragmatist. A problem is a problem and solution is to work for it. Sure, mindset has a role so I try to see my problems as a opportunity to not have them ever again anymore. That attitude helps me do my best at getting rid of the headache.

yes, everyone must have made his boss annoyed and at that moment the atmosphere is getting crowded. I was once in the midst of my two bosses and I slightly annoyed them when I held my handphone and talked. they look at me and I do not know what they mean. I finally realized that I had inadvertently screwed up their minds while discussing. but I started thinking not to repeat my mistake again even though it was just a trivial error.

@dianclasher Yes the same happened with me when I was doing tranning with senior doctors and in a meeting I was really bored and I started playing a game on my iPhone and forget that I am in a meeting... the doctor called my name and I was so much busy in playing the game that I didn't listen him as he said get out of the room.
That was really bad...
But instead of acting negative, I reacted with a positive attitude and said him sorry..It is your attitude toward others and the universe that determines the resulting attitude toward you. Have a positive, joyful attitude and you'll have positive, joyful results. Put out a bad, negative attitude and you've failed before you begin. Basically, what you think is you get

suppose everyone should be positive, because if a positive thinker about our bright future.

An interesting experience ... @adsactly!
I've felt like you. when we are scolded by someone or our boss, our sense of laziness is also visible and the spirit that was so great then lost instantly ... But I try to be more enthusiastic.

I've lived a pretty negative life until quite recently, I met an amazing group of people who have shown me new ways and I am so thankful !

I am always think positive.

Well. I will keep this short. I had 32 years with same company and many, many, many bosses. Have to play each one differently. Last lady wasn't overly popular. She wasn't my biggest fan either.
Thought we had come to the point where we could work together. I tried to walk the line and throw in a spin once in a while. Bad idea. She fired me.
All I'm saying never know.
Sorry to put a 'dark side' to your post. It is very funny and sooooo true.
Positive today and always. Lol

Fun life enjoy life

Thanks for sharing valuable post.
I continue follow your post.
I appreciate your contest

nice writing

A long time ago I had a book “ The secret of succes through positive thinking” It surely works better than negatieve thinking .

possitive shine always make a men in right way that became a men be success

wow this is really inspiring to friends keep on telling me i am full of negative energy which i have to change.and from reading what you just wrote,i realize allot of positive talks and thoughts can help change the negativity in me.

I am pretty new on steemit and i am a slam poet artist in my little community in cameroon.could you please check out my poem on one of my most admired african leader;

I just love your story bro.
Thumbs up.

Congratulations @adsactly!
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positife thinking,this is your post ferfect and the best.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment