My first date with her

in fun •  6 years ago 

It wasn't without glamour, for I've yearned for a day like that for quite some time. So when the I got the opportunity, I did everything not to spoil the fun.
I ask questions like;
What happen on first date ?
Where can we go on that day?
What should we do on that day?
What should I wear?
And trust me, folks were there for offer suggestions.

After all said and done, there came the D-day and we set for a beach far away from our neighborhood.
It was a very busy day a beach, so many came from far and near to catch some fun, so we join the crowd in keeping ourselves busy.
Hours spent on beach activities, it was a day I wish it never end until everything took a U-turn.
I've read about Romeo and Juliet, I've watched Jack and Rose in titanic and I've seen so many love scenarios in Hollywood movies. I thought in real life getting a girl was pretty easy .
After a while, I decided to be the man, so I ask her to follow me. We walk far from human site to a quite and lonely area ,we stood under a tree and visibility was poor because it was getting dark.
Then I ask, 'can we do it '?
Without any resentment, she answered 'yes we can'
At first I was confused in my mind on why a girl will give in so easily, but I quickly believe maybe she's been waiting for this moment.
I quickly pull my shirt and drop my trouser.
She said 'that one' , 👉 to my boxers.
I pull it off quickly before she change her mind.
Then I said 'your turn ', she looked at me a smile and said to me ' close your eyes and turn around let me undress '. trust me, I obeyed every single command she said .
With my eye closed I notice a bit of silence so whispered her name but no one responded. As I force my eyes open I saw her far away from me with my cloths in her hands.
Gosh, I tried persuading her to return my garment but my efforts yield no fruit.
Oh! I exclaimed 'what I date with so much embarrassment' ...

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