A few days ago, I was given an idea to test my fellow friends way of thinking. The idea was simple: I would provide some object for them and they only have to describe it. How they would do it, it would be their own decision.
I think that way you describe life around you tells story more about you than your surroundings.
I'm famous of my skill to talk about any subject given. I always have opinion and I entertain my self of looking themes from different perspectives.
When you have to describe something it needs a point of view. At first people use information they are given to, by describing what they see. Shape, size, color etc. After that it gets more interesting if you won't let them stop. People starts to give you information like how they feel about from the subject and what facts they know about it.
From this information you can learn about how your target is thinking.

This is more fun with kids because they aren't so narrow minded as adults and kids are easier to get involved with out thinking "what's the catch?!".
I was using banana as object for this.
And even if you don't find this amusing you still have the banana...