back in the days - 04/13/1978

in fun •  4 years ago 

Four decades ago,

the original Star Wars movie was released in theaters, Ronald Reagan was sworn in as the 40th president of the United States, the Trans-Alaska pipeline pumped its first barrels of oil, the cold war was was still going on and much more...

Take a brief look 40 years ago.


  • The Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe declared the military Amendment Act adopted on 13 July 1977 by the Bundestag unconstitutional. The law provides for the abolition of the so-called. Soul-searching of conscientious objectors.

  • With votes from the SPD and FDP, the German Bundestag back the objection of the Federal Council on April 7 against the so-called. Anti-terror laws.

  • The Yugoslav dissident Mileta Perovic is sentenced in Belgrade because of "serious crimes against the people and state" to 20 years in prison. Perovic had repeatedly called for the overthrow of the Yugoslav leaders Josip Tito and the introduction of socialism Moscow embossing.
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