Higher Vibrational SUper Weapons/Aka High frequency -Super Weapons-pt2

in fun •  7 years ago  (edited)

just some fun pics here for concept ideas.....

the essassani race freaking use huge ai to ships 2 balance out there planets energy field to what it should be do a little enhancing also.
Might not wanna go 2 nutty with this though but the field of earth defiantely is waay weaker then it should be thas 4 sure!
u ask her she will even agree .... she says yes please do this but be careful to do it properly or you could reak havoic on the planet.... potentially.....
of course we are the most powerful quantum super weapons ever as literally just changing ourselvs every moment coincounessly and uncoincounessly changes our entire universe weather we coincounessly fully want it or not....
by unciounessly i mean aspects/ thoughts of urself ur supressing or labeling impossible or bad.

so yea certaintly we can bring in orbital stuff also. as there is things you can put in orbit around a planet 2 do literally anything u can imagine...
hell u could make it rain chocolate even like that 1 epsiode of my little pony.

Although true unconditioal love you allow beings 2 do whatever they want actually...
Although its okay 2 be asseritive and be like hey bitch stop that shit!
the compelte reason our goverments are so all over the place and confused is because we are the leaders of our world 100% u can change laws and anything simply threw thought alone u dont even have 2 do anything physically.
i did that with the pot laws i just changed my perception on it and now donald trump is even gunna legalise it federally!

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