in fun •  7 years ago 

Check out what Red-Pepper found!

Buddy-Pepper was busy looking at some baby Northern Water Snakes!

Mama-Pepper sure thought this little one was cute!


This amazing @little-peppers logo was generously provided by @rigaronib.

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Mama Pepper is so pretty!

how beautiful and brave ... I would die of fear hehehe

They sure look harmless when you guys handle them.

Brave @little-peppers! <3

I've not seen kids as smart and brave as @little-peppers.

It’s great the snakes are safe when you are in their neighborhood. Many people just kill any snake for any or no reason. Cool your kids are getting an education.

how can kids and their mom is holding it? I cant think even

@little-peppers, you can now handle a lot of animals now, I will be so scared to hold that. Guess papa-pepper has thought you alot about handling.