I have # pending friend request on Discord

in fun •  6 years ago 
At the risk of upsetting a few I was wondering how often this happens to everyone out there. Everyone that knows me even in the slightest is well aware I'm a friendly guy, but almost without exception, when I get a friend request it's usually someone asking me for upvotes.

I gotta ask... What's the deal with that?

Does someone actually believe that works? Hitting up a complete stranger and asking for stuff does not seem like a sustainable strategy to me. Listen, I'm not trying to sound like a jerk, I'm simply attempting to wrap my head around this whole thing.

Lately, I've been trying to give some of my "potential friends" the benefit of the doubt. I've been replying a little more, mainly in the name of science of course. As it stands today, about twelve of the last private messages I received on discord where upvote requests with one is still "pending judgment".

This last interaction may have been contaminated by my short replies. I should know better, that is not how you science, consistency is a must, but patience does have a limit. I'm laughing a bit right now, because being a guy this type of thing probably happens a lot less than with the ladies and here I am complaining to the internet about something so trivial. To be honest, I'm mostly amused by the dynamics of it all.

Lets have some fun

What is the weirdest way, the funniest way someone has approached you asking for upvotes? Let me know, best responses get bigger upvotes, screen captures are definitely encouraged. Maybe we can break the internet a little bit with silliness, that would be a good way to welcome Friday night.



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I wrote a post 2 months ago.

I'll share screenshots from the entire conversation.

Here you go!

Hahahhahahahhaa woaahhh that went South soooooooo quick!!!


Yeah... You never know what's gonna happen... :D

I was about to ask if it is possible to restrict dm yes it is overwhelming and feels compromising or unkind in you do not go so sometimes I do and kniw what happens next. I get spammed all over again ehenever they post anything. Sonat the beginning I felt bad and would go but now I try to ignore blatant self promo. Plugging a link if related is fine, forcing on a visit, upvote or comment is not.
And people yo should expect woulk knew this also does it.

there is a way to restrict... i found the option once, but its not a list or something.. so it does have the downside of making you seem unfriendly. if for example aggroed is not a friend, he wont be able to dm you either... see the potential downside? but im sure its gotta be a lot worse for you yidneth....

It has been rather overwhelming of late especially when attending to shows to promote a post. But I see there is no point in restricting. But can attend all requests and feels awkward that it is
Could you check my post
Day after
Please upvote this, you wont regret
Day after: same
(Start to ignore)
And this witn tons of random people I feel terrible to wave off ;(

its best to just ignore really.. at that point in time... why waste a second explaining

ufff, you are very right, often find incoherent people, do not really know how this works, the mechanics and the system, there is a certain level of impudence in the people or it is only ignorance about it, without a doubt this sometimes becomes difficult so Maybe some do not have the wisdom to cope, I do not have a voting power and even so there are people who come to me with that attitude, they say "Hey, I voted for you, go to my post and you vote for me" I ignore them because it causes me a lot of trouble, and now I do not imagine your place, greetings brother apologize because they do not know what they are doing

Well I'm practicing my patience.. that's a good thing...

hahaha, this platform puts you tests

Strangely enough, I get very few DMs and friends requests. I guess I'm not much of a target for that stuff, which is fine with me.

It really is kind of classless when people try to open with a request for upvotes or for follows. What happened to starting a conversation with someone to get to know them, providing something of value to the person that you are approaching, or just being nice? My personal favorites are when someone leaves a comment on a post telling you how great your post is and then leaves a link to their post in the comment telling you how much you will like it. That cracks me up! (Hope this comment doesn't sound too harsh lol.)

OOOh woowww

@upvote & resteemit!!! done!!!


Glad I could help lol!

Relevant as always, brother Meno! You are the “boss,” bro!

The most valuable inherent message herein is too simply BE REAL!

Interact with people as you would face-to-face… By doing so, one can then expect exactly what they might get in response in the “real world.”

If you’re a self-centered A-hole – you will be treated as such… In contrast, if you show genuine interest and the willingness to “relate” on a selfless level with the utmost respect of the person with whom you are interacting, well then, you at least stand half-a-chance at winning them over as a friend and kindred soul.

Come on, folks – this is not rocket science, man… How fucking retarded are some people… Try as we must, I suspect this is just the way the world is. I suppose we must continue giving otherwise undeserving people the benefit of the doubt no matter how much they don’t deserve it…


So beware….

hahahaha brother, you crack me up!

So glad you are able to smile upon the humor in which I humbly attempt to reveal some truth in kind..... haha... :-)

I have open Discord messages and have never gotten a request for an upvote. I've gotten some requests for Minnowbooster whitelisting but that's understandable since I'm listed as a moderator on their Discord even though I have no power.

Most of my friend requests have been from people who are actually my friends, or at least cordial correspondents. I just decline the other ones.

I suspect the fact that I'm On Air on MSP Waves a few times a week might have to do with it... since my name is on the top, they might think im a whale or something.

You have made a point, a lot of people lack orientation about what it takes to actually move forward as far as steemit, I couldn't blame most of the them because some are new user who dot really know how things work out here. They just need a orientation, someone to tell them the right to do. I understand your plight brother, you aren't a bad man but people do frustrate someone to the extent that someone won't have options other than to voice out, keep doing your best for life.

I accept friend requests , but I don't see the use of them tbh, lol.

In regards to the point in question though, I try to educate while interacting with those that use these kinds of messages. I try and let them know that by interacting with me and my articles/posts is the best way to gain my attention and if that interaction is relevant and insightful that I will most definitely reward that with an upvote. This has led to a few complying and many just ignoring me , lol. Either way I'm cool with it.... But thems my rules and if they wanna dance that's how it works, the rest is up to them, lol.

I've had one of those conversations become a fruitful interaction... one that i can remember... but honestly its not as upsetting as this post may have sounded, its just funny, i mean.. sort of!


Yes, its rare to have these interactions go in a positive way, but it does happen occasionally, lol. Nah, i didn't think you were upset at all.

I agree. upvote me please sir.

I get the same and people have some interesting approaches but, pretty transparent. the saddest thing is that I also get link drops from pretty high reps too an I know they do the same to many people and it seems to work. Private memos and selfvoting comments to the top of chains on whales... I find it very lame that people do this, but then, I am not in trending. :)

Oh my friend... I've never made it to the general trending and with the quality of our trending page, that might be a good thing.

of the high reps... now that you bring it up, there is a level 71 that is always DM me links... I wont share names.. but... it is kind of lamish.

hey... I am 71... ;P

They go much higher than that though. It is crazy that some of the highest rep and rewarded people with guaranteed support are link dropping. the only time I have is when I have been specifically asked. After the notifications cut out I would occasionally message to notify if I tagged someone but many use Ginabot now so there is very little need. What I don't like though is the increase in mass tagging...

I've flagged a few of those, tiny flags, just because I find it a bit disrespectful.. its like throwing an attention tantrum...

I leave my blog, I read a lot... gosh.. I need to keep myself learning to even have an opinion.. if I dont visit someone's blog, it might be because they are not making content I'm interested in. That's not a bad thing, maybe im not their target audience...

a small tantrum that is the answer to all this, and the number of people who enter daily, I think it becomes a task of spam, sit on the computer and send generic messages to many: /

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I have to get internet first.