I've been getting some weird resteems, have you?

in fun •  7 years ago 
I doubt it's just me, but lately these mosquito accounts have been resteeming everything I'm writing. Now, don't get me wrong, Initially I was like thinking to myself - "Hey, this is pretty cool... some people actually thought that post was ninja" But, then I started to notice a pattern, a peculiar pattern.

They are resteeming everyone and their mother, not just me, and the funniest thing is that their mother is not even on this platform, but somehow she is getting resteemed too.

As you can see, this has given me a confuse, because I don't know what the end game is here. What are the tiny accounts trying to accomplish? Do they have a confuse? Or are they part of the illuminati? - Nobody truly knows.

Ok, I know what you are going to say, I can see your face through the laptops webcam right now. "Why would it bother you @meno... its harmless?" - I know, I know, I'm not freaking out or nothing, I did not start to eat dirt just because of it, I'm just wondering what is going on that's all.

Look, check this out, here are some of the interesting accounts that have been resteeming yours truly for no apparent reason:

Tinfoil hat time

Look at these accounts, mosquito power yet not new, not really. And, as we can see clearly from their amazing reputations (some of them) they have been kissed with a bazooka. So, What is going on? is the CIA targeting this blog for sharing pictures of kittens. They could be.

I don't know, but I'm going to batman this one...

Btw, are you also getting funky resteems too?

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My thoughts is growth hacking. They would ideally be identifying accounts that have been verified by @ginabot. The hope would be that you have resteem notifications set and potentially follow their account due to the appreciation of the resteem.

tinfoil hat time> As the account builds up a following it can then be transferred over to be a resteem payment account where they will be able to offer something along the lines of send 1 Steem and be resteemed to 5k followers. </tinfoil

Patrick for the win... right hur!!

that actually does make sense...

They know quality

Posted using Partiko iOS

one of these days I gotta show you our @helpie project! I think you would get a kick out of it.

Hahaha. I don't even know how to know if someone has resteemed my posts. There are so many fishy things going on in this platform...

Ginabot can let you know, do you have that set up?

Thanks. I will

The Partiko app has notifications to let you know when someone has resteemed your post

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm loving this app, it's very easy to use.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yah, it has changed my entire experience here. As you might have read, the programmer works for AirBNB in San Francisco so he is not in this as an amateur sport

Posted using Partiko iOS

That actually makes a lot of sense..

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the tip, @stellabelle

Yes. Today's. By 5/6 accounts followed by no-one.

All good though, we are on some kind of list!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

gimme your tinfoil hat thought... GO!

I got no hate, almost. Hat? I got you.


/me registers the account

You are getting so much exposure OMG. They should resteem my stuff too! Maybe they get restoom points by the magical restoom fairy to see who can restroom the best posts.

EON BRO! for only 100 STEEM i can restoom you outside the blockchain, straight into twitter and make you moon bigtime.

Limited offer, we go back to our usual Restoom rate of 150 STEEM tomorrow.

That's how you gonna be a steem millionaire!

Partiko gives you points for doing tasks like resteeming, commenting and upvoting

Posted using Partiko iOS

Looking, I'm on here now... :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahaha the Illuminati part got me laughing. I think I will be more observant, come to think of it you might be rubbing the blockchain the right way.

Patrick here (first comment on top) has an interesting theory.. he might be right... hahah

Patrick takes the cake.

A. Noone resteems my posts
B. Where do you check the resteem counter?
C. Moon Moon Moon #Lambo
D. End the bear market already

they could be discriminating against latinos jesus... i mean, after all..

B. Where do you check the resteem counter?


you can check on the steemworld.org/@jesus <--- your alt

or... you could get ginabot... you should get gina, gina rocks.

i dont' see resteems on steemworld.org , maybe because I don't have any..

but if I did ..they show up in the usual activity feed?

its under the post... look on the posts themselves, you will see.

found em..tks much @meno

I will resteem one of yours..

I think they are just trying to gain favor... or they run one of those resteem bots.

I like patrick's theory (top comment) - I'm sure you are getting the resteems too.

I hope I can get resteem too i'm new in this plataform...

To steem or not to steem?

Definitely the CIA, matey. They're all over those cute kitten pics.

I get a bunch of related small accounts 'promoting' my posts, but they don't seem to get much out of it. Lots of weird stuff going on here. I also get hundreds of tiny votes from some trail. I can't imagine they make much from that either. I'd rather they left a comment.