Top four - Not five things to know if you wanna party like a Swede!

in fun •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello Folks!
I , your steemit friend Xoni would like to share top 4 things to know before you decide to involve yourself into a Swedish house /appartment party - Förfesta

So let's begin with
Number 1 :

1. Arrive on time

Being punctual is a f'ckn must , just put it in your brain!
And remember that if the invite says the party starts at 19:000 Europe Time , than make f'ckn sure to be there at 19:00 , or half of hour later , bur not more than thet..because girls ... saying it again girls at the party is going to be really really mad at u!

Number 2 :

Smile and hug the host who invited you , no matter what , yep , even you just met him/her for the first time!

Make sure that whoever invites you to the party , or worse than that like dropping in on a new neighbour or bracing yourself for cocktails with your boss, prepare to be greeted with a hug on your arrival , whether you like it or not :)

Number 3 :

Take your f'ckn shoes off , you piece of strawberry!

Swedes don't wear shoes indoors. So after that hug and while you're busy smiling and waving at the other guests and trying to to hang up your enormous fck'n jacket, you also need to negotiate taking off your shoes. No holes in you socks , otherwise we will laugh at you , and maybe give you som SEK ( Swedish Kronors ) to buy a new one!
And yeah , here's comes next funny thing ... If you're short and usually wear heels, prepare to be towered over by tall Swedes for the evening.

Number 4:
If u wanna party , well that means that u have to bring your own booze!

Yes i know , its too expensive to buy drinks outside , so if u wanna be happier and if you're a student , or stying in sweden , if u wanna make the host happier , and your self happier , than make the f'ck sure to bring own booze ...But why?
Well .. Swedes bring their own alcohol to parties, often keeping it in a neat plastic bags or whatever is possible , throughout the night. Off licences and wellknown swedish alcohol company , known as SYSTEMBOLAGET close at 3pm on a Saturday in Sweden.

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Yes, for wine, you must come with yours. Lol..
Love this.

Haha yes for sure... believe you don't wanna buy drinks out ... well not unless you're a miljonär @godswill