The Greens’ Recycling Initiatives: We’re transforming waste to opportunities

in fundition-4ntdcyf3f •  4 years ago 


The Greens is actively engaged in the education and transformation of three kinds of wastes;

1. The Tire Upcycling Program

We’re transforming used tires into Tire erosion embankments, Tire flower pots and Mushroom Tire Seats

Used tires

Tire Embankment

Mushroom 🍄 Tire Seats

2. The Textile Recycling Program

We’re recycling textile offcuts into garments, dolls, dodge balls, pillows, etc

Textile offcuts

Textile upcycled products

3. The Plastics Recycling Program

We’re recycling plastic bottles into UPB tree nursery pots and UPB Vertical Gardens.

Waste Plastic Bottles

UPB Vertical Garden


The Greens Footer.jpg
The Greens is a grassroots environmental organization that strives to educate, inspire and engage young people to take action to combat climate change and be at the forefront of biodiversity conservation and waste management.
The Greens 10th Anniversary.jpeg

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