New Baby Chickens On the Homestead

in fundition-xmv5lpvat •  6 years ago 

This is an update to my Permaculture Chickens Fundition Campaign

Nate and Baby Easter Egger.jpg

We purchased three baby easter egger chicks today!

Baby Easter Eggers.jpg

As soon as he heard I was interested in setting up a Fundition campaign, @makinstuff was quick to offer his guidance. I was a bit intimidated about setting one up. Before it was even complete, he made a big donation to the effort, and we put it to use today by purchasing three new chicks.

Baby Easter Eggers Foraging.jpg

These girls (I hope they're girls. I'm assured they are) are just a couple weeks old. They're feathered out enough to be outside full time, which greatly affected my decision to buy them. We're not looking to be brooding any chicks this round.

They were handled regularly at the breeder, a family with a small farm about half an hour away. As such, they're very personable and worth the premium of $10 a bird. When we leave after holding them and being with them, they cheep like they miss us. It's nice to have super sweet chickens again.

This little cutie found and pummeled a black soldier fly larva! The legbars must be lazy, as it was right where they like to hang out!

easter Egger Chicken With Black Soldier Fly Larva.jpg

Since they were raised outside in a more natural environment, they're already excellent at foraging. I kept them separated from the larger three using the rabbit cage. Tomorrow, that cage will be their tractor. As good as these girls are at foraging, I'm going to start them tractoring through parts of the garden.

Easter Eggers Foraging 2.jpg

What a fun process! It's like I'm learning all over again because of the different way we're doing things this time. We had baby easter eggers in the flock that were lost before, so I'm super glad to have some more. They're the breed that my friend says laid eggs for her consistently through the short, cold days of winter.

We'll likely buy more easter eggers for the flock, but the next birds we get will be laying or very nearly laying. I'm tired of store eggs. If you decide to donate to the cause, this is what you'll be supporting!

Thanks @makinstuff for the support! It's so appreciated, and we're trying to live up to it!

All action for the good of all.


Recent projects:
Sustainable Volunteering
The Holistic Church
Permaculture Chickens Fundition

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I so want easter eggers!

Posted using Partiko Android


You so need Easter eggers! ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

Yay, awesome! And nice to see your beardy face too!

Posted using Partiko Android

Woo! The beard is back, just in time for the hot days of summer! Lol

Posted using Partiko Android

So, 6 now and all good so far? Cute little chicks!

Yes ma'am! Six chickens in total now 💚

Posted using Partiko Android

Hooray for more chickens! They're so cute! I like the idea of using a smallish cage as a tractor for younger birds. I might have to try that sometime. Usually we just have chicks raised by the hens, and they are their own tractors. I hope you will be drowning in eggs soon! The store eggs are so gross!

Lol mama hens ARE their own tractors! That's a great analogy. I think these ones will be producing in the spring. The older ones will be producing this fall. I need more that'll be producing this summer.

Posted using Partiko Android

Aww cute! We have some EE's too. We have a big barn yard mix of birds. Blue Orpingtons, Mottled Orpingtons, Crested Lebbar, Super Blue, EE's, and a mix of them all since we have a roo and they have hatched out 2 clutches of eggs so far. :) It's such a fun process watching them grow. Keep handling them often! That cuddly stage goes away if you don't continuously handle them often. Good luck!! Enjoy!!

These sweethearts get handled a LOT :)

How are your barnyard mixes? Ours are gonna be that way when we get up and running. Just one rooster for now, so they'll all be at least half cream legbar. I'm hoping they'll all be nice and quirky looking and well adapted.

Ours are perfect. They all get along real well. I've not had any issues with behavior, health, or any of that. But I've been raising chickens for a long time. We had turkeys, ducks, and geese too at one point but are down to just chickens now. :) We have one roo and 10 hens plus the 6 babies. I love when I cross my Orpington with my EE....They come out as a smaller Orpington with muffs of an EE. So cute. tehehe.

Great man! i love your movement! just head a bit of you on Msp (: and in reading you know because speaken english still a bit difficult to me, go on and great that @makinstuff appeared!, sometimes we need a vibe of someone to start doing our art, and he was your vibe, your hug. hugs.