How to treat and prevent a hip fracture.

in fundition •  6 years ago 

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Broken Bone in the hip

Open reduction and internal fixation is surgery to repair a fracture (broken bone) in your hip. A hip fracture occurs when the top of your femur (thigh bone) is fractured. The femur is the long bone in your thigh that attaches to your pelvis, at the hip joint. The head of the femur fits into the acetabulum (hollow space) receptacle of the pelvic bone. This forms the hip joint and is held together by ligaments and muscles. Your femur is usually fractured in the neck (narrow area under the head) or immediately under the neck. You may have a hip fracture when you fall, or have been involved in a car accident or other impact accident. Medical conditions that weaken bones, such as osteoporosis or cancer, gradually increase your risk of this injury.



How's the surgery if there's a fracture?

It's a surgery that brings together the parts of your femur again, using special metal rods. It also includes repairing your hip joint. Your doctor makes an incision (cut) in your hip to see the damaged bone. The doctor straightens your femur and places the broken pieces of bone near each other. Doctors may use special screws, rods, plates, and rods to hold the broken bone pieces together. Doctors may use an artificial implant to replace the head of your femur. It fits tightly inside your femur bone, and secured in place. If your hip joint is weak or too damaged, you may also need an implant to replace your hip socket. Having open reduction and internal fixation through surgery can relieve your pain and allow you to walk again.



  • Avoid places and situations where a fall could occur, such as walking on ice-covered sidewalks. Remove small carpets and items from your home that you could trip over.
  • Do regular physical activities to keep your muscles strong. Check with your doctor if you need an exercise program to increase muscle strength. Consult your doctor if you need training to improve your balance and walking skills.
  • Your doctor may ask questions to check your risk of falls and slips. Some people, like older people, are at greater risk for falls and slips.
  • You may need to change more things in your home to reduce your risk of falls or slips. Talk to your doctor for more information on what you should do to prevent falls and injury to the hip.
  • Prevent or treat osteoporosis: Having osteoporosis increases your risk of a hip fracture if you fall or are injured.

Dr. Leopoldo Maizo - Orthopedic Surgeon

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Calcium and vitamin D too! :)

Yes Very much! Thanks my friend :D

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