Review – Should You Believe Them or are They a Scam?

in funds •  4 years ago 

Funds Back LTD Scam!

Have you ever been scammed online? Internet scams are extremely common, but they vary in their magnitude. Some scams are fairly small and people don’t really give much thought to them, while others are quite major and can end up stealing huge sums of money from innocent victims. The problem is that whether you have been part of a small scam or a big one, there is a good chance that you really haven’t done anything about it.

Most people who are defrauded don’t take any measures because they don’t believe it is possible to recover anything. The internet grants anonymity to these individuals and they are able to get away with their crime. It is because of this reason that online scams and fraudulent practices have flourished so easily and quickly. Since there is no check and balance, the internet has literally become a breeding ground for these criminals and they have developed a huge range of scams that can be used for finding victims. Forex trading scams, binary options scams, Nigerian scams, online dating scams and crypto scams are just a few of the ones that can be found. Thousands of people all over the world are scammed one way or another on a regular basis. But, not more than a few will ever make any effort to do anything about it because they believe there isn’t anything that can be done. There was a time, it was certainly true and you couldn’t find help.

Even today, there is no central organization you can go to and file your complain, but you will find services that specialize in scam recovery. Their job is to help victims of scams in recovery the money they have lost to these scams, as much as possible. This is undoubtedly a blessing because it means that you can actually get something back. While this is appealing, you will also be required to pay these scam recovery services, which means you have to be very cautious. You need to ensure that the company you trust with scam recovery is reliable and not just another way to scam you by using your weakness. Sadly, not all the scam recovery services out there can be counted on and is one of them.

On the surface, it might appear to be reliable, but in reality, it isn’t at all. You will discover that there are a lot of flaws that exist in their claims, which highlight that they are just another kind of scam.

What are these flaws? Let’s find out:

1- First and foremost, doesn’t accept your case right away. They ask you to provide your name and other personal details to them, along with information about how you have been scammed. You have to share everything with them, upon which they will decide whether they will take up your case or not. If that’s the case, why do you need to share anything, but the case details? Shouldn’t you just have to tell them about the scam and they can decide whether they can help you or not? The fact that they ask you to provide your personal details is a problem.

2- Next issue is that claims they will look into your case and conduct an investigation and cross the new information they find with the existing data. This sounds good, but how do they intend to do this investigation? Where will they look? What steps will they take? Most scammers don’t leave any such traces, so what do they plan on doing? They don’t really share any insights and this is a problem because a legitimate company would not have an issue in doing so.

3- On the website, while they say they have a strong team and can help you make your recovery easily, they haven’t really given you any information about their experience. Yes, they say they can help you with all kinds of scams, but have they done it before? How long have they been at it? What experience do they have? How many cases have they handled? What are the case details? Any recovery service should be able to provide specifics about the type of cases they have handled the most and how much experience they have accumulated under their belts.

4- Another issue with is that they don’t have any proper customer reviews. Customer testimonials can make or break a business and every good business will have reviews to show how their customers feel about their services. A business like should have more than usual good reviews, considering the kind of service they provide. They help out their clients in tough spots, so they should have lots of reviews praising their services. Once you check, you will only find a handful of reviews that don’t really tell you anything. They are all positive, but they are all from profiles that come off as fake. In addition, the content of the reviews is also vague and doesn’t really give you any insight.

5- Lastly, you will discover that hasn’t shared their charges. Wouldn’t you want to know how much you have to pay for a service you are availing? But, hasn’t given any such details, which means they can charge you whatever they feel like. This is rather disconcerting because you don’t want to end up paying more for the recovery than the sum you actually lost in the scam.

Furthermore, you are required to pay some amount upfront and some amount upon recovery. In case is not successful in getting your money, you will be left empty-handed and would have ended up wasting more money in trying to recover what you had already lost.

When you go over the flaws that Funds-Back has, it is not very difficult to decide that they cannot be believed. It is quite clear that they are just trying to convince clients they can help them and only intend to scam them.

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