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Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)

The views of the mushrooms were beautiful, incredible.

Thank you!

Nice bunch of mushrooms you have there

100% upvote Melinda my friend. Nice photo

You are so sweet! Thank you!

You're welcome.
Here would be my entry to fungi Friday

Well, those are interesting!

I'm told they are quite edible and desirable.
I found some others that my nephew
(who is quite into these things)
Told me I should remove the
Location of my post; people
Would be swarming the
Area to harvest them
For restaurants
Here in Atl.

I think he said these were MORELLS

I love morels!

Well I know where some were growing last year, and since the reproduce with
Spores, they should be there and all up and down the banks of that stream
I haven't been back to look, being preoccupied with other stuff,
Don't cha know.

I haven't been able to get out and search for them for several years now. Good memories of searching and finding them, though!

Love your photo, it's still a bit to cold for ours to start popping up.

Too cold here, too. This is one from the archives!

Wow. They are cute. Are they poisonous or edible?

I am not a mushroom authority, but I don't think they are one of the tasty ones!

photos of beautiful mushrooms, this fungus can be consumed

Thanks. I don't think this one is good to eat.

I like mushrooms, in my place there is the most delicious mushrooms in the eating of mushrooms that grow in rice straw

I like them,too!

They were just waiting for the right moment :D What a nice bunch!

It is amazing how they just pop up overnight!

It's like a surprise party :D

Nice photos you have 😊
Are those mushrooms edible?

I don't know, so I would not eat them!

There are well some of them eat but find out from these are not harmful, in my country they say that is lucky

I do not think these are good for eating.

oh dear friend. I love these fungi. a very sweet composition and a successful shot!
congratulations. hugs

Thanks! It is always a surprise when they pop up overnight!

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