Nail and toenail fungus is a common problem among people today. Many suffer from blackened or yellow cracked nails, which may itch, be painful or may have a foul odor emanating from them. There are many treatment options available and ways to avoid further infections.Nail fungus infection occurs when fungi flourish in a fingernail or toenail and the nail bed beneath it.
The toes are more prone to nail fungus, compared to the fingernails, since former they grow very slow. This slow growth is ideal for the development of fungi culture. Also, toenail infections takes longer to treat compared to fingernail infections.Toenail fungus is unsightly, difficult to cure and can be tenacious. How do I know? Because I used to have it! Yes, I admit it.
Toenail fungus is a surprisingly common condition that is all too often left untreated due to embarrassment or shame. The truth is, this condition is suffered by millions of people around the word and good advice is hard to come by. So, I want to give you some tips on how to prevent it and if you currently have it I'll share my little secret remedy for removal.