If the game is called PlayerUnknown's Battle Grounds... Who is PlayerUnknown?
If the game is called Watch Dogs... Where's all the dogs? Why can't you watch them?
If it's called a June bug, why do they show up at anytime of the year, NOT just in June?
If there's beer lines that say they're ice (Natural Ice, Milwaukee's Best Ice, Bud Ice).. why don't they stay icy? Better yet.. why are they not in cube form?
If the motor company is called Dodge.. why does everyone still buy them? Also: get out of Dodge eh.. when you exit your Dodge vehicle, wouldn't that give a whole new meaning to that?
The brand is Samsung.. what did Sam sing to inspire them calling their company that?
Home cooked meal eh... If so, why was the meal cooked in your restaurant, most likely in a commercial/business district? What, can't you go home and make the food then bring it to your customer?
And, I made the switch today from Cincinnati Bell Fioptics to Direct TV.