3 year olds do not stick to the plan...... much more exciting ideas take over ......

in funny •  6 years ago  (edited)

"I want a forrest on the side of the road" said the excited 3 year old, "lots of trees and I want a hospital too." Granddad sprang into action with the trillion road pieces, the 3 year old lined up the cars, rescue truck, fire engine and police cars and Grandma busily strategically placed blocks for trees and a hospital around the track.

So began an extra long play, the 3 year old was the goodie and grandad was the baddie robbing banks and being shot more times than he could count. "Rob the bank Grandad, ...... got to rescue the people, catch the bank robbers, off to jail you go robber!"

Just before our next play date the 3 year old and I had a chat about making trees for the Road Rescue Goodie and the Baddie Bank Robber game. This little boy was excited with my creativity and true to my word I painted 3 toilet rolls and 3 paper towel rolls that I was collecting just for this kind of play.

Just as the 1 year old went to sleep I produced the trees, the sticking leaves on activity began .... but not for long! Suddenly without warning the 3 year old eyes sparkled, imagination oozed out, smiling with glee he clenched a tall tree tree. "Let's make guns, I am going to be Spiderman."

As quick as a wink this one Spiderman boy excitedly held one very green gun chasing and shooting his Grandad as well as wrapping him up with a spider web over and over again. Noise, running feet, loud shooting guns shot sounds reverberated in the house for a very long time, much longer and far more exciting than one boring 'sticking leaves on trees' activity.

Anyway, it gave me time to put my feet up and have 40 winks in between being wrapped up in spider web.

Cheers and Blessings

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lol! what a way to take a nap!

Haha, here I am closing my eyes in amidst the fighting against the baddies action.

Haha! It sounds like a dangerous place to take a nap!

It was, hahaha. I even got wrapped up in spider web a couple of times.

lol|! such fun times and the kids will always have great memories of those times!