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are you for or against ancom, I've seen these memes used by both sides


well time to attack, the famine in soviet russia started out natural. Then the kulaks decided to horde the grain and let the cities starve until they got the massive sums of money they demanded. Stalin took the grain, so the kulaks burned the fields and salted the land. The famine was the fault of the capitalists in the end.

about building a wall to keep the people in....... over 70% of people voted against dissolving the soviet union, but their current (dirty reformist) leader decided that making it capitalist could earn him major profit (which it did).

you see that major crash right there in the middle? That's when the soviet union turned capitalist.

Wow, a Socialist in a cryptocurrency site, how ironic, using the most Capitalist form of currency.
Those memes are supposed to make people laugh, not to actually criticize Communism

Anyways, if you want a discussion I'll give it to you.

You are talking about the famine in 1932 right?
The government's forced collectivization of agriculture as a part of the Soviet Union's first five-year plan, forced grain procurement, and political repression in the countryside were the main reasons for the famine. Conquest, and others, additionally claim that the famine was a deliberate act of genocide against ethnic Ukrainians,

Again, that was just a meme. The USSR didn't have a high life expectancy in the first place, nor did it turn Capitalist in the collapse of itself, the crash was made because Socialism failed economically so bad, that in the end the government couldn't afford the "free" healthcare, resulting in many deaths.

5 People own half of the world's wealth, that's right, half of the world is a 3rd world shthole with inferior people that can't develop anything to make money in the first place. Those 5 people, unless they got money through a monopoly that was caused by the government, or from their government itself (Cough* Socialist dictators Cough), worked hard to get it and deserve it, those people are the ones that make progress in technology and science, something Socialist states never did.

By the way, "An"com isn't really anarchist, you're creating a state while simply denying it is one.

"Wow, a Socialist in a cryptocurrency site, how ironic, using the most Capitalist form of currency."

Wow a capitalist on feudalist land, how ironic that you are using the finest rags while complaining about them.

" shthole with inferior people that can't develop anything to make money in the first place." you mean oppressed people with a debt increasing faster than their gdp?

I'm from Israel buddy, we never had Feudalism
I don't get the point of those graphs
The only oppressed people are the ones under Communist regimes
I will correct myself, those 5 richest guys worked SMARTER than all of those iron miners, and without those iron miners, everyone would have nothing.

Just a question, everytime you upvote yourself, you are actually getting 8$ worth of Steem?

"they worked smarter"


you mean were born in a position where they had the opportunity to work smarter and the luck for it to work out?

Remember human resources are a zero sum game, there are only a finite number of them. The resources of the rich must come from the poor. They have trapped the iron miners into a situation where future generations can not get out of.

and yes, I do. It's even easier for the rich to make money.

"The resources of the rich must come from the poor. They have trapped the iron miners into a situation where future generations can not get out of."
A little reminder than China got 600 million out of poverty in less than 20 years thanks to Capitalism.

Those same miners's ancestors were in charge of the territory, why didn't they become as rich as Europe? Why don't they make a change like China did? Their stupidity is not the responsibiliy of the smart.

"worked hard to get it and deserve it"

you mean they worked as hard as a billion iron miners in Africa?

you see that self upvote? That's 8 days of work for them, I gave to myself because I could. I definitely worked as hard as them right?

That's not our problem that they don't get a lot of money, maybe it's because the average IQ in many parts of Africa is less than 70

that's due to the conditions they live in. They can't learn much when they have to mine iron by the time they are 11 to survive

its not my problem when they learn what the system really is, rise up, and then shoot your family in revenge.

Before Imperialism they weren't anything different, they didn't evolve, they didn't develop, they're NOT the west's problem. Share your own money with them, don't force others to do so. They don't know how to operate a gun, meanwhile, we in the west would drone strike them with cluster-white phosphorus bombs if they would try to rise up. That's how much we are superior to them technologically.


now the others about the united states citizens claiming to be prols, they don't. They know their position but they also know that it is a hard one to get out of. Since 5 people own half the world's wealth, at this point it doesn't matter.

also the "prostitution" one for ancom is stupid, I have examples of anarchy working.

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Good thoughts