Parent Tips from a 6 day Veteran.

in funny •  7 years ago  (edited)

Through the many ups and downs that have come our way as parents, I have a couple of tips.

  1. Always have the kid wear a diaper.

  2. Always have a diaper on the kid.

) I figured with her being clean, and me just getting out of the shower. Would be a perfect time for skin to skin. Wife was like I need to put a diaper on her, and I responded with "she just went poop and pee all within 30 min. I feel I will be safe for 10 min." Well I should of put on a timer, because we went about 15 min, when I heard her fart. I yelled O NO!!!! Get the wipes. It was by far her biggest poop of her life. It was all over her towel, all over my shorts, all over my bare stomach, and on her legs. Guess you mom made take baths again......

One positive was we got a good laugh, on a day we got bad news, but I will go into that later. The other fact found out was I definitely know that I am not into getting pooped on. Not my thing, and I can't believe it is a thing.

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Literally laughed out loud throughout this whole post (despite knowing where it was headed;0) ....So much so I had to read it a second time. Glad you and the Mrs. are cherishing these moments no matter what comes with them. Congratulations to you and all of yours, looking forward to reading your future adventures.

Ya thanks, would not trade them for the world.

Congrats! Our little guy is 5 months old! Lots of poos and pees in those early months, it tapers off (but not by much I’m afraid!) lol. Best of luck! Enjoy every moment (even if you are exhausted). They grow and change so much so fast!

Ya I want her to stay small forever, they are so cute.

happy family....good job.

At least you know she cares about you, giving you nice little presents all the time.

Wow, sorry about the crap, but great looking little girl there! Congrats again my friend!

baby is cute and adorable, you are a perfect family filled with happiness ... my greetings @ rinosari2

Awee, so cute... congrats to you mate :)

The love of a mother to her child :) she is blessed to have you as her mother :) That was a great post by the way.

Nice post

Congrats. On the baby, not the getting pooped on. Anyways, just a little advice from a crusty old hack at this, KEEP THE BABY AWAKE DURING THE DAY. It will be your natural instinct to let the baby sleep during the day so you can go on about your normal routine a bit or maybe catch a nap. DO NOT DO THIS. If you let it sleep during the day it will be awake ALL night and make your life a living hell. Get the baby on the same sleep schedule as you as soon as possible. I wish someone would have told me this with out first child. I would not have missed out on a year of sleep. Good luck and have fun. You thought shit was bad, wait till you get puke to the face.

thanks sir

Beautiful baby lovely post

Lol, the struggle is real. My favourite was when I would be in the middle of changing my son and he would just let it fly straight up in the air. All over the change table, blanket and of course the new diaper. These little guys are poop and pee machines and if you think you just changed them and you’re good for a while they will do it just to spite you. Lol, glad you’re settling at home and enjoying those first days of parenthood.

Wow, that's a lesson learned the hard way! :D

Bub’s got the perfect poop timing! 😂

What a sweetheart!

Yes. It IS a thing! Sorry you had to find out the hard way! What a precious little critter she is!

lol its a thing, just not a cool thing. Cute kid.