Jokes for Squatting Slavs: Part 2

in funny •  7 years ago 
For those of you who don't already know, I arrived in Eastern Europe as a Peace Corps Volunteer in 1991 -- officially two years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
In Bulgaria at the time, it was still largely the leftovers of the communist system -- which is still taking a long time to change, by the way.
But back then, it was a different world. Jokes were as puerile and as far from politically correct as you can imagine.

Even I, a product of the American higher educational system, was extremely offended when I first arrived.

Nevertheless, there are a few Balkan gems that need to be passed on, and this is a TRIGGER WARNING: they are still offensive!
I'm going to start with a few Bulgarian examples, so as not to shock any readers from the very start.
So, without further ado, the next is an aphorism I learned in the early '90s:

Fish, chicken, and women ...

I tricked you.
I didn't tell you the punchline.

Can you guess what it is???

Answers in the comments, please!
P.S. You Bulgarians are cheating if you answer!
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you got up voted at 27% by @hamza-arshad

Good guess!

Even if I want I can't cheat caus I don't know the answer. 😃 Maybe the reason is that in the '90s I was still an infant. 😂But I am excited to learn what is it.

I'll let you take a guess then :)

I only got one guess so far, from a Bulgarian over discord. It is very close: You can touch them with your hands. If anyone needs a better clue, please ask!