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We need all Americans to see how despicable this president is in his racist treatment of the black man.


Seems about right. Nothing that he does is good enough for some. This is great, and Mark Dice is the man most of the time. Thanks for sharing this. Still flowing the Craig flow, don't take anything to seriously, life is just a game anyway.

Yea well i heard Trump was going to feed the black children pizzas, but that would have been too cheesy, but it would have been a great topping, the best topping, nobody builds a better pizza than me, and i will build it great without fake toppings, a mexican pizza and the mexicans will buy it for us!

If Trump really shares a pizza for a black child it means he's done a good thing, the kids will be very happy.

Rarely do I watch a youtube video twice, this one I did, lol.
Thanks for posting.

I can somehow see this actually happening. haha. Quite funny, thanks a lot for sharing this.

"THEY" are literally this ridiculous

by the way fuck Don Lemon

Atleast he didn't wear high heels 😂😂😂

Good post for a blood bath day... at least some fun :)

How is that supposed to end? It is only a matter of time until the Third World War breaks out as long as Trump is President.

You're fake news


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Haha, how can Trump steal a woman's food?

Haha! That got me 😂😂 but how?

good post...:)


Haha..Fake news

Haha, can't help but laugh at this, maybe because it's not too far out of the realm of possibility

I can not believe. Thank you for the useful post. Continue in the same direction.

Hahahaha...i am from indonesia bother.

Thanks Craig, this Trumpoodle should get some hair advice from you, this kidfood stealing is unacceptable.

Craig, you have always been very generous in your blogs, with personal views, information and with rewards on comments. Please teach us how to best keep our STEEM secure on our accounts. Many of us want to go in with more, but we are shittin' ourselves, not that steem will go to hell, but that we can't access our accounts anymore, or to find our accounts empty. Please teach us. We will highly appreciate your information.

Funny as hell! It is indeed an information war on for your mind!

I dont like Trump but holy shit that was hilarious!

Phuckin' Hilarious! Dice will be banned soon from these "safe spacers." How can you not trust the Clinton News Network..........................

Im sure he stole more than that!LOL

But you could actually see this as a CNN headline.

Nice funny video sharing