You must follow the rules made by society. If you don't you will end up surrounded by criminals. You must also follow the rules these criminals make.
The agreements that criminals make are often much more complicated than the ones you could get with a bank.
They are equally likely to change. Only one has fine print. It is better to make an agreement with a criminal, then with a bank, most of the time. It depends on the bank and of course on the criminal.
Marie Rose Calhoun has many rules including no alcohol in the house. But it is weird because she often drinks.
Another rule she has is to always remain ready for any questions regarding purchases I have made. It isn't the room it might take in her empty fridge. It is the principal that I over paid and don't know it and certainly shouldn't have bought it.
So instead I buy alt coins and don't tell her. Most people don't want to hear about the coming robot revolution anyway.
Banks have a ton of rules. Follow them the best you can, then beg to have the fees that allow them to operate back, when you overdraft. Then in about 1.7 years forget the banks. You will buy everything with Bitcoin Cash.
The rule with crypto currency:
1. Know your private key
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