I'm Still Not Rich From Steemit...

in funny •  7 years ago  (edited)

I'm Still Not Rich From Steemit...


Steemit hasn't made me rich yet...
Ain't got no car, no private jet.

I just can't figure what's the deal!
I post each day; I keep it real...

As a fresh minnow on day one,
I swam the seas and had my fun.

With awe I saw top author's payouts,
In wonder I observed their layouts!

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So quick did I concoct a scheme,
I knew I soon would rule supreme!

I copy pasted @fyrstikken,
My reputation went to ten!

I had no choice to stay quite chipper:
I plaigirized some @papa-pepper.

At this sad point my score was zero,
But mommy said I was a hero!

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I sniped myself some @jerrybanfield
& suddenly was in a minefield!

Every square was flag on flag
& everyone did on me rag.

But I kept on, no time to lose;
No matter think they ill my ruse!

I stole some memes from @xaero1,
No worries mate, all in good fun!


Took epic words from @stellabelle,
& thought I heard an om'nous knell!

My next target was @neoxian,
And lo came my combustion!

I really think I'm innocent,
But my Steemit c'reer is broke & bent!

I quickly fell from Steemit heaven,
Alas, my rep is minus eleven!

I'd never thought I'd fall this low,
So @ned and @dan, UPVOTE ME BRO!

I pledge to quit my spammish ways,
So make me wealthy in six days!

vote-squid-badge-overkillcoin.jpgmeme-compilation-thumbnail (2).jpg

Written by @d-pend

Images property of
Their respective owners.

"Vote-squid" by @overkillcoin.
(Go support his rad art!)

meme-compilation-thumbnail (3).jpg

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey, thank you guys so much for the warm response to my pathetic attempts at humor! I really appreciate it. My aim was to make a couple people chuckle, so I'm happy if I could make it happen. Anywhoo, I'm gonna call it a night, but I'll respond to the rest of the comments in the morning. DONT FORGET TO ZUBSKRIBE 4 MORE (VARIABLE QUALITY) KONTENT!!1!

P.S. also, if you don't use Steemfollower yet, join me using this link so I can support your future posts!!! ;)

1 Love
@d-pend out

Yes thanks a lot for the warm and pathetic response to humor!!@bakabou159704

Nice post

This is so funny because I was thinking of plagiarism yesterday and how their needs to be a slimy Critter to represent plagiarism. Great poem and too true to life!

Haha definitely. I wonder what it would be... got me thinking. Then it got me googling. There are some hella strange parasitic and slimy sea creatures out there!

I'm about to post it up!

Also, on the topic of marine life, @donaldtrumpfan just did a post metaphorizing the various "whales" into more specific categories depending on their size: Comparing the size of STEEM accounts to actual Marine Life: How does our terminology stack up?. Bit deflating for those of us in the lower deciles, really ;)

Now i feel more like a sea otter ! That's what I get for being a late adopter... I heard about steemit from the beginning but slept on it :(

Ahhh man. I'm lucky I have my ignorance to shield me from any guilt there. Didn't know a single thing about Steemit! Think about it though, you might have quit if you joined back then, a lot of accounts powered down and left because STEEM was super low for MONTHS... but it would've been awesome to get some $.10 SP for sure lol!

Yeah there was an altcoin weekly newsletter and I read about Steemit before it was a thing... Just didn't make sense at the time... I'm a professional boat-misser for sure! Imagine buying SP on that dip to $.07... 15x more SP than I'd have now! :O

So yep I try to not dwell on all the missed opportunities, it can be very depressing!

great and true meaningful story in a poem.
thanks for great content.

You are extra welcome. Have a phantasmic day!

Nice poem, you seem to be earning quite a nice second income to me....

Have you ever analysed how yer earnings are related to which upvotes. My last post has around 90 votes , and the projected payout is $145 ( I know this will go down immediately before payout!)

Using steemitnow I calculated that just 4 people account for around $143 of this, you were one of the other 80 odd, and I must say thanks for the $0.03 - most appreciated!

My humble advice for getting rich on Steemit is:

  1. Find yerself a Tardis, go back in time and become an even 'earlier adopter'.
  2. Find yourself a Steem Power rich Whale clique and write for them, stuff everyone else.
  3. Get prettier.
  4. Write inward looking posts about the Steemit bubble, rather than about anything beyond, those posts seem to do well.

Alternatively just don't take it too seriously, experiment, hope for the odd hit and enjoy the second income!

Also, don't give up the day job!

Will upvote yr poem once my VP's regenerated.

Thanks for the in depth comment man. Super insightful and hilarious too.

I use vote bidding bots to keep investing in the platform. (@booster, @bellyrub, @lovejuice, @nettybot, etc.) So while it may look like a lot, much of it is my own. I do this to reward the curators of my work instead of just buying and powering up STEEM. I have put around $7k into the platform and a lot of that in the form of gifts. I really like the platform even with all its quirks and issues. As I'm sure you gleaned, this post was satire, I don't actually expect to get rich here, lol. I see it first and foremost as a place to give.

Could I eventually break even on my investment? I hope to, haha! But what Steemit has given me is much bigger than all of that. I've met awesome people, learned tons of new things & connected to different cultures, and finally got my creative "mojo" back. In fact, I'm about to get a low paying grunt work job just to fund buying more STEEM. LOL

The advice you gave on getting rich is SPOT ON. Since it's not actually my primary goal, I dabble a bit in the Steemit inner circle posts (like this one) but 95% of my posts are original poetry, philosophy, spoken word pieces, esoteric / motivational / inspirational writings.

Thanks again for the well-thought out reply. Have an awesome day, and congrats on your @curie -discovered piece!

Cheers for the nice in-depth reply, I actually quite enjoy the commenting/ curating side of Steem, and as you say, it's a quirky old place fer sure! I'll check out the bidding bots... although TBH I registered with Steemian and it just totally lost me!

great , thanks for sharing

yezzir, you got it!

Love this post! I'm here to help you get wealthy! Upvoted for sure!

Thank you sirrah!

Now, this is what I signed up for! AHAHAHA I LOVE IT! The thing I hate is, now I'm stuck reading every comment in the rhythm of the poem!

I wept and cried, I wish I slept and died.
There is nowhere to hide, please don't treat me like Bonnie and Clyde.

Vote-squid don't act like a kid.
Quick and swiftly upvote this posty.

Hahaha! Awesome!

Thanks :D

This is Great, but is it possible to have a negative reputation... oh never mind... I really don't want to know!

Ha ha ha... yes it really is... I think the lowest I've seen was @noganoo at -7... but I think it's possible to go a lot lower although unlikely. Thanks @doctorjohn.

Been lurking for a little while trying to learn more about the community and have noticed how many newbies want to jump in and make huge profits. Time, effort, and honest interest are needed to make something like this work. Thanks for the laugh, needed it today as someone stole one of my designs and came on here to relax. Timing of this couldn't be better.

Damn man! Sorry to hear that... You are spot on about what it takes to succeed. It's a long term thing obviously, not some get rich quick scheme haha. Hope your day gets better from there. Let me know if your designs keep getting taken and not credited, I might be able to help you get the posts flagged.

It wasn't here, someone stole an Amazon Shirt design and put it up on another site. Complaint has been filed and expect it taken down. They didn't even bother to try and take the idea and rework it...just straight up copied it.

I don't let things like that bother me long. Just walk away, do something relaxing for 20 minutes, and then move on with my day. Life is far to short to get hung up on little stuff.

I am here for 6 weeks now, and I must say, this is the best post I have seen so far.
Really, you must have worked for days, maybe weeks at this "Poëm"? If not, well then you're genius. This should top trending, hot, promoted, new, in every category.
I love satire, I have my go at it sometimes, sometimes it's not bad, other times it's ok... but this is art! I'm not overreacting, or being cynical, it's the wine...
Definitely following you!

Hahaha! Fantasmic comtent! Much gratiation!
Actually it did take me a while lol. Formatting and editing the words and pictures always takes the longest. Glad you (or at least the wine) liked it!

I love your humor and your simple rhyming. It did give me a laugh because I do think some would do what you suggested. Have a great sleep and see you tomorrow!!! :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Lol 😂 people definitely do this sort of thing (and they really do get flagged down, though -11 is an exaggeration :D ) I've had people ask if this was a true story, haha!

Thanks for the good night wishes! Have a great day!

Just when i thought that everything is pointless...
This story made me feel good and like a hero again!
Thank you for this uplifting and funny poem

Dawwww that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Thank you so much for the kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed 😊

hahahahah i feel you bro!!! by the way did u study literature or majoring in literary arts?

Just by myself in my free time... I studied music composition/ piano in college...

ahhh i see so that's why. great piece bro!!

hoping to read more poems from you and you can read mine too.

As a minnow, I think I'm in purgatory. Haha.

Ain't down in the dumps
Ain't up flying in heaven
But if I keep up the grind
I'll be rising in revelance

Lol I feel you man.
Keep on the grind, or hustle as @stackin likes to say. It will pay off if you truly do what you are passionate about. If it becomes just about the money we will burn out!

I like it, it's funny and has some truth in it. Who needs to be rich on steemit if you can have fun too. So far I'm having a lot of fun on here. I don't plan to get rich from steemit. Cryptocurrency will do it just fine. :p

Exactly :) we get a lot of things more valuable than money from Steemit. Even better, we can use it to give...

Thanks for the mention!

Of course man, thanks for coming by ☺️

Good mix if words brother! Enjoyed all of it. :)

Thank you bud!

now somebody has to put music in this...

Ha ha who will volunteer...?

I have faith that some one will rise to the occasion.

Dude :D This is prime! Love it man. Keep the creativity flowing.

Talk soon.

Woorrrrd(s). Muchas gracias my friend!

Hilarious poem! Also very cool to see how this poem has been picked up by the community, so great to see the love spread like this. Keep on steeming, I'm following you!

haha...Thanks dude! Yeah I was honestly pretty surprised lol. Wasn't expecting anything... glad you dug it!

Haha interesting, I like your sad poetry :D
And yeah your Idea I mean that is awesome :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Lol thanks a lot! Have a good one @aftabkhan10 :D

You welcome dude, this is why Steemit is really a beautiful platform.
You can see some really new ideas and new talent which I did not see anywhere before.

Thanks to Steemit and that to you too dude @d-pend

Upon the dreamèd Steemit wings
The swell of hope enamored sings

haha very nice poem.... hilarious....
Is this true or just made up 'cause it's even funnier if it's true haha

Haha if it was true my whole profile would be invisible :P
Thanks for stopping by and commenting man!

can i just ask did these thing happen (partly) or was it just for the poem?
I usually don't like poems that much, but enjoyed yours. Nice to see you got decent reward for it too! Cheers

Hey @attalis. I'm really glad you enjoyed it :D It's a satire piece :P It didn't happen to me, but there are a lot of users that get in these situations due to plagiarism haha. I appreciate you stopping by... cheers!

lmao this is so funny :D plus SO ME :')

Haha cheers... we'll get there eventually ;)

Makes a meme about not getting money. Gets money

The irony! Nice username, btw

Lol love this

T H A N K Y O U !

dude you just blow my mind!!


just reit.JPG

really funny.

Glad my mediocre humor did it for ya ;)

I really love your poem, so funny but indeed so true.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks a lot! It's funny, we all got so stoked when joining Steemit looking at the top whales and thinking we're gonna hit it big time. Usually doesn't happen, but we end up making a lot of good friends, and having a great time anyway :)


nice gif

ha ha ha..................

Wow awesome lines
@de-pend Thanks for sharing with us

Thank you for reading with us ! @krpawarssc

You nailed it man

ChE3e3EeeRS man thank you!

Yeah man follow me



Everything will be fine.

That it will @magnata!

that's cute.

Gotta lighten the mood, from time to time. Thanks @everittdmickey :)

you done good.
it's true too.

Thank ye kindly..!

Well done, very creative and entertaining.

Great, hope it made a few people chuckle. :)

Very much so, well done!!!!

bows, and slightly loses balance while doing so
Thank ye muchly!

Funny and excellent response. Thank you very much for the vote. I have only been on Steemit for 11 days, We seem to have the same sense of humor. I followed you and look forward to connecting with you.

Sa-weet! Nice to meet cha. Don't be a stranger now LOL

fucking a!!!


great and true meaningful poem. i think it is a great content.

Right on. Muchas gracias!

You welcome dude.......

And for that an up vote and follow.

And for that comment an up vote and an up vote!

Play some blues riffs under it an you got a classic!

Damn, now there's an idea!!

excellent poem ...

Sir really so nice steemit working, thanks for good sharing

Following for updates...

Thank you so much for the support and kind words @sabbir24. Have an awesome day!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Whoops... double commented :D

This post has received a Bellyrub and 16.14 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @d-pend. Send SBD to @bellyrub with a post link in the memo field to bid on the next vote, every 2.4 hours. Be sure to vote for my Pops, @zeartul, as Steem Witness Hope you enjoyed your bellyrub!

This post has received a 10.47 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @d-pend. Send 0.100 or more SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field to bid on the next vote.

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This post has received a 22.84 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @d-pend.

haha thats exely one of the best post Ive read on steemit.

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@d-pend got you a $1.56 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@d-pend got you a $1.56 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image: pixabay.com)

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This post has received a 22.73 % upvote from @nettybot thanks to: @d-pend.

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Oh, and be sure to vote for my owner, @netuoso, as Steem Witness

Have a great day!

@d-pend thnx for putting this information all with each other..

@d-pend Masses of knowledge. Many thanks..

hahah Good one! please follow back

Congratulations @d-pend!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 9 with 96 comments

@d-pend Really intriguing and insightful submit. Want you the most effective with all of your potential endeavors.

great work, my friend, keep it up

@d-pend Wow, that is certainly so wonderful. I'm quite grateful for that! Find it irresistible..

This post has received a 18.75 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @d-pend. They have officially sprayed their dank amps all over your post rewards. GOOD TIMES! Vote for Aggroed!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

No probs, thanks for reading / commenting !