RE: Are you watching the Coin Market too? it has bean a good Show :)

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Are you watching the Coin Market too? it has bean a good Show :)

in funny •  7 years ago 

yeah you can use auger for quantum computing thats what they do more or less with a little ai of course and i hear banca is workin on something for the market probability, you know market news, volumes, markets used,coin volumes oh i'm sure you get the gist, research and development kinda simple but you need data more is better but not a necessity lol. On the bright side it looks like i made 0.02 cents :)) okay now we can all move on ...

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hah well, so far i heard or read nothing on quantum computing that suggests anything more than increased processing power for the massive problems already at hand, like you say there for instance : how to get 101 billion in a minute instead of 109.9 :D

and as @lemouth linked there :

quantum entangled emoticons hahah

probably just what the planet needs : a patented system owned by the 1% used to forcibly lead or crash the market as wanted and bleed anyone who doesnt have it dry ... i notice a tendency of my elaborate posts to get the same 51% as the others too, slightly de-motivating, even more so after the epic "do you like fish" two liner that gets 400 SBD , but still, failure's no option is it, well this should get you about

Screenshot from 2018-08-05 14-21-56.png

uh :| ... looks like i got myself an error there that wasnt there two days ago ... entropy in scripts now too ?

so deduct 25% curation and two of those combined should be it lol, or maybe i'm missing something (its the first time i do it on a reply) and it adds the parents too, ... its too sunday for that now, but i should thank you for the opportunity to have me discover this grin.png

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

the fact that right now our smallest digital computing component is a bit, you know 8 bits is a byte anyways the bit could be either 1 or 0 for this explanation in the future when quantum computing becomes a reality this bit could have a third state a value of both on and off as your demonstration shows it is possible demostrate what it might look like, all of our assembly or machine code will also be revolutionized, machines will be able to achieve faster computing benchmark speeds because of shorter code segments, storage units will ultimately be faster and able to hold even more data exponentially than is possible at the time of this writing. Who knows if they can assign three different values to a bit today what will they be able to do with that little bit in 20 years from now and what man will we be able to achieve with all this power?

i asked the question to @lemouth quite a while ago so i'll refrain from looking it up in replies until i can parse it out lol.

I thought it was a "trit" too, so when the man did an article on it i asked, since ternaryhas already been done by the russians, LONG AGO, a thing name Setun

(give it to the russians : where nasa spent millions on developing the ballpoint pen : they took a pencil to space since that writes everywhere lol)

now if i remember correctly, what he then explained to me (since i asked lke "well if the russians already did it, what's the point other than forging history so the americans did it first ?)

if i remember correctly, what my personal particle physicist explained is that the superposition of the qubit would not allow for simply three states, but a theoretical infinite (limited by the ability to measure) as its more like analogue ... (the very short version without words a physics professor would use as they're daily to him lol)

and that was mega-jawdrop ofcourse

and my misconception was healed and i think its the great misconception because its always explained as "having a third state to a bit", right ?

i'll try to look it up but i really wanna get some scripting in between the moments of clarity tonight

i see you cut down on the self-votes , did the bots and the trolls beat you so bad mentally ? i mean there's nothing wrong with it, right?

not that your business is my business ofcourse, i just notice ... i doubt you'll get around on my 0.56 lol, which was 0.63 36 hours ago ... so the wallstreet vampires arent finished yet i suppose ( @selfvotejustice )

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

how do they like having someone play with their money?? are we having fun yet?? hahaha ... joking aside time to ask politely to turn the machine back on :)) .

i dont know, but the guy doesnt seem to cave in to downvotes, he just keeps reposting the post (which probably will attract autobots like dirty-white bloodcells to it eventually but i think its good some people stand up to it, as i try to avoid futility i don't think my 6 cent vote (well it was last night i havent checked, maybe i should)

oh dear
Screenshot from 2018-08-09 13-49-29.png

i am where i was 200SP ago !

screen blackouts again, im having so many i suspect government malware, maybe because i talk to muslims or something lol, or maybe because they think i have a stashed million from 15 years ago, weird because everything is in the open, they know exactly how much money i have and ... i pay VAT on the coin i buy on anycoin if i got a few ten i dont need for catfood

but thats what happens in a place with not enough crime, they start making up stuff or they'll never get promoted :)

this really doesn't look like hyper-inflation to me, this looks like an artificial peg ... no one seems to remember what happened when the Swiss pulled the peg out of the franc then?

so i picrified the last deardiary or they might try and find something in it to make me walk their way, as if thats still gonna happen after 15 years of crud ... YES , YOU AGENT SMITH ! , YOU !


still not enough to split three ways and avoid turning to dust , sadly or i could up more replies :|


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

understanding how things work is an advantage, just wondering how long @freedom will let them continue their malicious internal attacks i'm sure it's not at all good for business here as all marketers will tell you it is written somewhere like a marketers bible i know goes like this *one happy customer will tell three friends, one unhappy customer will tell twohundred and fifty friends :(( so whoever is behind this fud is a physiologically very depressed group who seek cowboy justice like children not realizing the world is watching them in awe ! and i'm guessing they are still not happy we will all suffer for this now what have they started...

yea, that sounds like the bible allright HAHAH, but too true, most religious texts arent far off the mark when it comes to ancient psychology either

i think its just like nazicleaner, untalented over-aged rich brats with nothing better to do to make themselves feel useful, like a fanatic who would fight for the right cause , i mentioned it in several places already,

advertising money, you have a chance here to have the most interactive , non-intrusive advertising ever possible, PLUS, they decide their own price, they promote their posts as much as they want, they buy steem for that, $1000 a post a day or week (thats copperpieces for those people, not even that) per company ... someone get my calculator ... whoever doesnt like it doesnt have to go over to the account, its not on your screen in a sidebar blinking and they're smart enough not to spambomb you with posts, AND smart enough to see paying $100 or $1000 in votes to their following ( @berniesanders uses that principle (to lesser extent ofcourse) masterly ... says more about the crowd than him, dont get my sneer at fish wrong there lol) so whoever doesnt like it doesnt have to go over or can even MUTE it so nothing ever shows

(although i found that the mute is rendered clientside actually, on this here celeron with much windows and tabs and desktops open i see sometimes the posts from accounts i muted appearing for a sec before they vanish ... i guess that saves servertime computing but its not pretty coding lol

and then when they do, and they buy like 100grand steem or more (if you're a buffet-share company haha) and then in comes the anti-squad ... like "we dont want cocacola here" starts downvoting everything lol ... how long before they leave, take their millions and the price gets back to where its now?

why would they even bother with what's going on ?
infantile kindergarten shyte, toddlers throwing mud at each other and content fascists with no talent pretending to be crusaders

and then go like WE DONT WANT ADVERTISING while they all do it lol, promote themselves, right ?

what kind of ad could be less intrusive than megacorps having accounts on steemit ... how much more opt-in can you get and how many would leap overthere for a chance at 0.01% coca cola vote ?

just look at @berniesanders and the traction it gets ... multiply that with buffett zeroes heh

rich does not mean smart, right ?

7 million steem in one account LOL ...

i couldnt sleep if i had and did that

what's that guys name? i think he was Russian or something he had a dog and trained it to eat on cue with a bell oh right Pavlov. Sometimes the crowd can be overwhelming , it's like they treat him like JC for all the shortcomings of bringing Steemit to what it is today, all which were probably necessary on some level or another the old saying by hook or by crook they gonna kick this thing until it flies and it worked, so thank you ... Lol:)