in funny •  8 years ago 

Vel'koz, pick this champ and instantly lock-in, hit lvl6 and watch as the enemy team rages in the "salt bar"(chat bar) as ult after ult rips through their whole team.

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How to add extra salt to league for a week: put Vel'koz in the pick...

They say that you have no life when you have a lvl7 champion, but you have to at least have one. Vel'koz is a bit broken but like I could have a lvl7 on Teemo (Satan) which would be even worse. Vel'koz is my favourite champ and I have been playing league since season one, although this is my 3rd account as the others were hacked...

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Now what is the easiest way to get a lvl7 on Vel'koz, play him support... ks your adc 7 or more times and die twice, thus you get S or S+ for the game. So therefore you can still have a life by owning a lvl7 champion in league of legends.

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One can easily see how Vel'koz can get a pentakill, or hexakill, I have had many of them with this champ, as I use a full penetration build.

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I love that oh darn video