I Peed A Little! (A steemit Newbie, or newtomebie, Promotional Blog) for @communitycoin

in funny •  7 years ago  (edited)

It has been some time since I've blogged about newbies, or newtomebies.

So I thought to myself, Self, Get To It!

Okay, that line may have been borrowed from @nonameslefttouse, and he may also have been the one to lead me to most of these fine bloggers...


I seriously cannot stop laughing at that, I really did pee a little- It's like his face was MEANT to be there! (Don't kill me D! )

Take a moment to marvel at the providence of that, color coordinated and everything...

Done marveling?

OKay then, down to business!

This first guy is fanfuckingtastic. Yep, had to say it like that because anything else wouldn't do. Do you like photography? Do you like humor? How about a combination of the two? Hell yes, slam dunk, let's hear it for


(THE CROWD GOES WILD...well once a crowd knows he's here they will GO WILD, woot, woot, woot, woot..okay that's annoying I'll stop now ;)

Check out the first blog of his I ever read, which was so good I let him sacrifice me to the devil


Then be sure to check out his most current post where he couldn't post because he was dying of the flu. Obviously must be seen.
And of course everything else he's doing, because that dude does a LOT. Of walking up steep mountains. Seriously, he must be in wicked shape...getting off track...

...back on, whew!

Next up, I'm going to stick with the humor tag for a moment and bring you the super fun, doesn't give a shiittt in the world what people think---



Who frequently blogs while stoned about being stoned, and even if you are not stoned you can't help but laugh at her shenanigans (yep, I said shenanigans, no other word would do!... anndd I just realized I got that word from the incredible, hilarious, freakkking awesome @meesterboom . What? You don't know who that is?? Seriously??? Getcha head out yo ass and go there. GO!! )

Like this post which is actually titled Not Giving a Fuck is Art Hahaaahaa, that crazzyy woman and her blue hair makes me laugh every time!

Screenshot (1).png

You love her already, don't you?

Okay, moving away from the funny tag and into the world of music, this next steemian has a voice like an Angel. Or maybe it's that she sings about Angels...Oh, right, it's both! Do you know Sara Mclachlan? Well this my friends, is quite possibly her twin-


I have to drop the link to the post she did for me (naturally) Listen to this amazeballs version of In the Arms of the Angels and tell me she's not awesome.

Actually do not tell me that or I will shun you! You will be shunned!


For her most current amazeballs song check out: Killing Me Softly withthiseargasm


And last, but certainly not least, is a woman who sparkles with joy. Yep, I had to say it like that, haven't you learned by now if I say something a certain way it had to be said? Sheesh. Where was I? Oh yeah, this fine lady also happens to be the sister in law of @therealpaul. Now if you don't know @therealpaul then that is something you must remedy RIGHT NOW.

He's a veteran here, my first friend and one of my favorite people/bloggers/authors/artists/philosophers on this globe. So before you do anything else follow him. That's an order. And then, go and check out his sister in law-


And watch her sparkle!


No! Not like Edward the Twilight vampire...Oh just go see for yourself!

Oy Vey.

And that is all I have time for today, but that does not mean there aren't tons of new, awesome talents on the platform-- and you can do your part by getting out there and finding them- then telling me about them so I can make more of these FABulous posts! ;)

NOTE: Remember most of these guys were brought to my attention by the hilarious, talented, fucking awesome @nonameslefttouse, so if you're not currently stalk.. err..following his blog, you are missing out!


Note 2: I already have a few people in mind for my next newbie post, so stay tuned! ;)

Note 3: LAST ONE I PROMISE: Check out and support @communitycoin -all sbd's from this post will be donated there. Run by the fantastic, fabulous, amazeballs--always steemit-first whale


Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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Yeah. That's a good group of people right there. I don't know about that NoNamesLeftToUse character though. Looks kinda sketchy.

You're here- Which means I have a blog to look forward to, amiright?
Dude, hahahaa, I want to order that shirt and send it to you- add a little steemit logo maybe ;)
And yup, it appears by the much larger number of the view counter that directing people off your blog does not make votes, loll, which is actually fine since I was not the focus of this ;)

Of course I would pick the whale dumping day to post it. Apparently that's what's happening 'round here, a big sbd dump that is making things a bit slowww. Ah well.

Well, I'm seeing about 80 or so views now. I really hope those few get more eyes on their work because of things like this, and for just being awesome. The picture at the top makes me cringe, but still, thanks for doing this.

Just hit 90 views in fact :) That's my hope too.

I love that picture, and you have to admit that it really looks meant to be on that shirt! Originally I just typed talent scout and ninja in google images and put the shirt in as is, but that big empty black space...I was looking at it and I thought-wasn't his meme black and yellow/gold? Sure enough, lol.

Hey, have you tried logging into chat by chance? You can't, and you'll find out why when you do try. You should get a discord, I've actually grown to like that better mostly because there's no glitching.

@dreemit - constantly blogs about being stoned, uses the funny tag all the time, disseminates deep secrets in chat, maybe working for the teapot guy, and is probably being paid off in Lambos.

True, I wish, definitely, if I knew the teapot guy I'm sure I'd work for him, and naturally- me and your prime minister are TIGHT!


I dare not mention the tea pot guy by name because he has whale friends with many millions in their wallets but I'm sure you know who I mean!

Utter bollocks in the shape of a tea cup...

Ohhhhhhhhhh! Honored! I have almost peed in my pants a little tiny bit for the emotion ^^

Only almost? You can tell us you peed, you're among friends, lol!

Look at you getting all hopped up in all the euphoria haha! I like it :D Definitely checking these people out, as we've already established that you're top donk when it comes to spotting damnONDS (oh (I'm) never doubting (my) sis) in the rough! @ickymj was someone I had already interacted with, so that's one less newtomebie.

Haha, I had fun writing this one that's for sure. And I finally got a new cord for my camera so I can transfer files, which means I can start putting together some life blogs again--I've got a mama dreemit at the kava bar one you'll enjoy!
Yep, I have impeccable taste in people ;)

Mama Dreemit at a bar? Sold!! Already excited for it!

Haha! The excitement was really palpable for this one for sure hahaha! It's like your adrenaline was pumping the whole time!

I am speechless! Thank you so much for including me in this amazing group of people! You have been so supportive & encouraging to me since I joined steemit. My gratitude cup is overflowing!

Well amazing people tend to be included with other amazing people :) You're a sweetheart! xo

I will be sure to check out all of the above! Except Brandt, cos I seed him already, we met on the mountain!

Sweet, they'll all be lucky to have you visit!

Unless I start with the potty mouth!

Pfft, ESPECIALLY if you start with the potty mouth, hahaha!

Well, you are kind. Thank you, friend! So glad you enjoy my music! xx!

My pleasure, this was super fun to put together :) xo!

This was a super cool thing to do @dreemit — thank you very much! 🙂

I still feel kinda bad about that whole devil sacrifice thing. Won't happen again, I promise.

Now I have to go check out all these other newtoyoubies you namedropped.

It was really fun to make this, not a problem at all, just hope it leads to more eyes on your stuff ;)
Well don't make that promise, I might want to go down where the devil is again, lol!

Oh, well in that case just let me know anytime you're interested, I'm sure the devil would be happy to oblige.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This seems like such a perfect place to drop this fucking awesome song, lol!!


For some reason the video is not showing up, so if you click that make sure it's Handbasket. Although his song When I am Gone is also awesome.

That was outstanding. Good work, Wax!

And thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the newbie update, and I know MJ will appreciate the mention, she is a joy to have aboard! Now I need to go check out the others that I've been missing up there in your report, sounds like some fun.

I can't do any checking at all right now, my voting power is crashed and burned, frustrating! I have the inclination to run around and comment, but it would be a bad idea. Damnnn it. lol

Will check them all out :)
I play guitar if you enjoy instrumental music :)

Your name alone would have made me check out your page ;) My brother is a musician too, singer/songwriter guitarist, I've been working on him to join :)

Definately!! Splendid voice and has a nice touch to his playing! Quite clearly a natural :)

I have been battling demons with my alias... Jeffery isn't the coolest name in the world.

Hard to polish a turd eh..lol.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Names? Haha, Jeff, meet my brother Ed (and his harmonica lol) my friend you make the name rock:

Gooooo Ed. Looking forward to seeing your channel man.
Cracking job.

I think nobody sings Iron Maiden quite like Sandrina.

I would have to agree with that, haha!

nice piece...tnx

Glad you liked it :)

This looks like super-mention smack down, basically everything worth reading. I am late at the party, I wasn't even commenting much these days,still had to drop to say hello.