I think I know what's wrong with the market!

in funny •  7 years ago  (edited)

Take this seriously to confirm that you're an idiot!

I see many nervous people on the network lately!

They are all looking at the charts without taking breath, eyes widely open to see what will happen next. They all tear their hair out , yelling at the computer, praying for the moment when coins will start growing again. But when it happens, it's only for short time, and then all falls down even lower than before.
Some of you have weak heart, some of you have weak stomach, so let's save our health and not be too serious for the next few moments.


I think I know what's wrong!

Let me explain!

Bear is the most hated animal in the crypto world. If you have invested some money in some currency, last thing you want to see is it's fall. Bear market got the name after bear's bent posture when it attacks the victim.


But the bear is also the favorite children's toy and a cute cartoon character!

In the stories that we tell to our kids, a bear is always good. In every cartoon bears have those good eyes and make kids laugh.

Bears are always positive and all of us have at least one Teddy Bear at home!


Is it possible that we're sending bad energy to the market due to our accepting of "bear-is-good" culture?

Is it possible that it's all our fault!

Now let's make it better!

First we have to take all Teddy Bears around and ignore the crying baby! Then we have to perform the exorcism in the ways of all possible world's religions. Then take a scalpel and tear the toy, take the cotton from the inside and burn it under the fool moon while your neighbor's dog is barking on a drunk that is pissing on the wall.

That's how we got rid of the negative energy!

Now we have to attract the positive energy!

So I searched all toy stores in my town but I couldn't find any bull toys!
Let's remember, the bull is a positive animal on the crypto market. Bull market was named after the bull's posture with his head and horns high in the air.



So I couldn't find any bull toys for my daughter but I found some on the internet!

I ordered a lot of those just to make my daughter forget about those bears... Hope it will bring positive energy to my home and on the market!



Thank you!!!



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that is an interesting analogy , hehehe i wonder where it came from, at least you got a bull toy so lets hope it brings good tidings

Crypto feng shui

Yes, something like that

Great funny post

First we have to take all Teddy Bears around and ignore the crying baby!

You are killing me :D

Lol!!! :)))

I think I'm f*cked... I don't have a neighbor barking on a drunk... now I killed all our bears for nothing :-(

burning the damn teddy bear on the pentagram should work...

oh, ok... I'll try that. Thanks my friend for these life-saving information... I start drawing the penta right now!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

You will have the only kid with a bull toy. Hope she doesn't get scared.

I think unicorns could be a suitable girl-version of a bull :)

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)



You should add sheep to it because all this bearish action for the last 3 months has been driven by panic over regulation this an ban that... and all the baa baas run away to their fiat bank surrogate mammys and then people who are not so fiat-lovin panic because everyone is selling and panic panic baa baa baa!