Finish this sentence. The best response and profile will receive public recognition and inevitable stardom

in funny •  7 years ago 

Good afternoon Plebians,

How would you handle yourself if you were walking down the street and, all of a sudden, somebody started roasting the shit out of you? Would you have a good comeback or would you just stand there looking like a scrub?

You need to be able to think on your feet.
Welcome to your first creativity challenge:

Finish the sentence:
I just put so much _ in my _ and now _

The winner will be featured in the following post for this series. Follow @exemplary for updates and, of course, to complete your next challenge. Only the strongest will survive.

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Would this work?

"I just put so much money in my pockets and now you think you can even speak to me? Get on my level, broke bum"

This is a valid entry

I just put so much fame in my name and now im stealing all your b*tches 😎🤣

A nicer flow to this one here