Fun memes for me this week and what they mean to me

in funny •  4 years ago 

My life improved dramatically after stepping away from Facebook. I don't have it on my phone but I haven't fully deleted my account because so many of my friends have no other method of communicating because they just use messenger for everything. But now, when I have some downtime I instead will look at 9-gag because while there is some toxicity in there it isn't anywhere near the level of absolute vitriol and virtue-signaling that you see on FB.

At least on 9-gag I may actually learn something and if not, I'm gonna have a laugh. Here are some standouts for me during my time wasting on 9-gag


The innocence of children is fun sometimes. I don't have any kids but I know people that do and for the most part I like their kids but that is probably because I don't have to deal with them when they are bad. I can only imagine the horror that this mother must have experienced when she saw the picture that her daughter made of her.


Even though I am in my 40's I still get a great deal of enjoyment out of the girls v boys memes and this one, at least with my friends is right on the money. I think that we are actually able to get past a lot of situations just by being blunt with one another. I want to quote Zack Morris when i say "Sometimes the truth hurts, but lies always hurt more in the long run."


I laughed at this while i was at the gym and I can't really say why for sure but there I was in the middle of a set and just thinking about it made me lose my concentration and I had to stop until the laughter passed.


This is another one of those ones that isn't going to be for everyone but there are some crazy conspiracy theories out there and it wouldn't surprise me a bit if this was one of them. Imagine the level of research that would go into such a theory.


This last one I had to pop off to all of my Canadian friends. There is a very real stigma out there about Canadians all being really polite and I don't know how that all got started. I know a lot of Canadians and their propensity towards assholery is just as great as people from any other nation.

There were some other serious ones but these are the ones that hit me good enough that I saved them to my phone. I suppose I can delete them now. If you are still using Facebook on your phone I highly suggest that you delete the app for just a week and instead fill that void with 9-gag. I promise you that your productivity, how informed you are (or lack of being misinformed) and your overall happiness level will improve - plus on 9-gag almost everyone is a stranger so you don't have a chance to get into an argument with someone who was a great friend in elementary school when they show their true colors of something stupid like politics or whether or not masks do anything against Covid.

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I got a kick ouch of some of them :>)

The first one! HILARIOUS! just HILARIOUS!