Meme's I felt compelled to save this week

in funny •  4 years ago 

This is by no means a complete collection of the memes I saved this week. I found a lot of winners from the political world as well, but I tend to keep that humor to myself. Instead we end up with the sort of silliness that I appreciate in both my real life and online.


Does anyone actually use Microsoft Edge? I don't really understand why Microsoft continues to try to stay in the browser game because I hate it even when they kind of sneak part of the overall setting into and Edge environment. MS, know when to quit. No one uses Bing, no one used Explorer, and no one is going to use Edge.


There are a few people that I know that are Apple fanbois to the point where Apple could make literally anything and they would want it. Apple has the balls to release $1000 monitor stands and I would love to know someone who bought one of those so I could slap them. These same people who are Mac users and literally incapable of using a PC - they don't even know where to begin. Apple stuff for the most part is also extremely overpriced because they know they can get away with it. If you look at the "guts" of the average $2000 Apple laptop and then price those components separately you can see that you are being charged at least double for Apple merch.


Although I no longer use IG, every now and then a profile comes along where the person who owns it is just really clever in almost anything they say. I'm guessing dexter is one of those people.


If you ever look at the "Funny" section of 9-gag there are a ton of people in there that try to get Americans worked up over things like not using the metric system, American football, and not free health care. Sometimes these become heated debates in the comments and in that regard, 9-gag is just as toxic as FB and what not but the difference is that you don't actually know the person you are saying mean things to. I am American, and I don't really give a damn what anyone else in the world wants to do, but I can see the humor in it, even if it is directed at my own nationality.


Urgh. I would imagine a lot of you are GOT fans and do you remember how we spent basically a season and a half on this part of the story, the promotional materials featured the hall of masks prominently, and then Arya becomes a master of it for some reason only to NEVER use it at all? I think most people agree that the story really went downhill as the seasons went on in GOT and the last season was by far the worst. The above meme was really highly rated in the "funny" section and I think it is because most of us are still upset with the way that they totally butchered that show towards the end.

Don't get me wrong, I'd still watch it if they decided to make more of them or some sort of spinoff...

That'll do me for now. Ever since leaving Facebook and Instagram (I was never on Twitter so that isn't a factor) my life became a lot more enjoyable and productive. Now the only time-waster I have on my phone is 9-gag and at least it has the decency to be funny.

Got any memes to share back with me?

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God is the meaning of Life...
February 12, 2021... 21.7 Hollywood Time...

All of those are great but the last one about Arya hit me. I had kind of forgotten that this portion of the story even happened. I kept waiting for it to be a factor at some point and it would have been so easy for them to have done something with it. I wonder why after spending so much on that, that the never did anything with it? It's not like it would have been difficult to face-swap, they could have simply used the other actor in the place. So silly.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

HAHAHA! Super funny! the first one got me:P and the apple one too. Please slap my friend @sahitya2702 for purchasing such an idiotically expensive apple monitor stand lol!
Here comes another meme -
