My secret weapon is a concoction that is one part comedy and one part confusion.

in funny •  7 years ago  (edited)

If I were to grab an accountant or engineer off the street and brought them into my math class... I would be arrested. Because that is kidnapping and kidnapping is frowned upon.

If I were to offer to pay an accountant or engineer to come into my math class... they would laugh at me because they make double not to hear kids whine about teenage drama.

If I were to trick an accountant or engineer to come into my math class... scanning for plausibility... success!

If I did trick anyone, I am guessing Alfred E. Newman here might be able to find a couple of spies to come and break him out.

If I were to trick an accountant or engineer to come into my math class to teach a lesson, there is no doubt that they could explain mathematical computations and applications. I bet they could even help walk kids through some examples. But I don't think most would be very successful (No offense to accountants or engineers, its not their fault. I mean geeze I just tricked them into coming in out of the blue. They have had no time to prepare).

The problem is two-fold. First, "explaining" is not the same thing as "teaching". Second they would only have about 2 minutes to explain everything they wanted because 75% of kids will tune them out after less than 120 seconds.

Screen Shot 2017-09-27 at 9.49.50 PM.png
Ok this is unfair. I used this for effect but these kids are really being taught to enter emergency numbers into their phones... but the next one isn't.

Looks innocent enough... until you realize what is located just to the right of this picture.

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Quick! Nobody tell them they are walking into a lava pit!

It would be nice to say you can force kids to pay attention to you... but this is 2017. That isn't happening. You can force a kid to look like they are paying attention, but you have no idea what they are really thinking about. (Unless it is a teenage boy and then you have about a 99% chance of guessing what he is thinking about.)

Many people don't know that before you can teach a student anything, you have to make them want to pay attention.

When you are dealing with students with disabilities, who have been beaten down by math for eight years before they even walk in your door, that can be a bit of a "challenge".

One of my favorite ways to get my students to pay attention is by whipping up a little concoction that is one part comedy, one part confusion. If I look out into the crowd and see my kids shaking their heads and laughing while saying, "What the heck does that have to do with math?" I know I have them right where I want them.

One of my absolute favorite ways to produce this effect is by showing a video from MADtv. If you aren't familiar with MADtv, it is a ripoff of Saturday Night Live. If you aren't familiar with Saturday Night Live... it is that comedy show where a skit starts out funny and then goes on for wayyyyyyyy to long (kind of like this post).

I will show you the clip the exact same way I show my class... with no introduction or explanation whatsoever.

First of all, wow! How the heck did those actors memorize all of that? I am sure there was some kind of teleprompter but they definitely made it look like it was from memory.

Second, every time I show this video, I get the exact reaction I was hoping for: utter bewilderment.

Throwing a classroom (or a reader of a post) off balance is a great way to get them to care about what comes next. (Unless of course it just annoys them so much that they hit the back button and go vote on one a @gringalicious posts which are always delightful.)

After watching my students squirm to find ways to say "WTF" without actually saying "WTF", I project this slide onto the screen.

Screen Shot 2017-09-27 at 8.18.43 PM.png

The first response is always , "No way! They can't even get my order right in the drive through when I tell them no pickles."

Then someone always tosses out, "He talked too fast."

After a little bit of discussion, if they haven't figured it out yet, I show the class this image:

Screen Shot 2017-09-27 at 8.21.13 PM.png

Almost immediately a kid will answer, "The guy didn't group anything. His order was all over the place."


Just as they are about to give up on me and simply chalk this up as the moment when they actually saw a teacher lose his mind and become obsessed with hamburgers and fries, I continue with these three slides:

Screen Shot 2017-09-27 at 8.29.33 PM.png

After two more slides, I completely have them back in the world of math and ready to learn:

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Finally, after sharing a few definitions of specific terms, I show them a step-by-step method to combine like terms:

Screen Shot 2017-09-27 at 9.02.21 PM.png

Over the next few lessons, as we advance into distributing and evaluating, I continue to use the letters "h" and "f". If at any point kids start to get confused, I can simply say, "Put the hamburgers together", "How many total fries if 7 people order 5 orders each?" or "How much does it cost for all of these hamburger and fries altogether?"

Because the video is so memorable, it is easy for the kids to picture exactly what is happening when they are simplifying algebraic expressions... they are making it easier for the restaurant to get your order right and charge you the correct amount. Duh!

Which is good, because if you ask Leo Getz from Lethal Weapon 2, we all know what they do to you "at the drive-through".

No. I don't show that video to my students.

And now for a money making opportunity...

If you are a student and this post reminded you of a video a teacher showed you (or vice versa), why not write your own post about it? @steemiteducation has just started assigning homework.

Homework? Boo!!!! You are stupid hanshotfirst! Homework is the worst! You are terrible for suggesting such a terrible idea! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!

But what if you got paid to do homework?

Would it still be the worst?

Because that is what @steemiteducation is doing. They are willing to reward you for creating quality posts that meet the guidelines of their "homework assignments".

This week, the assignment is to create a post about a video you watched (or presented) in a class. Make sure it is original content (the text only... the video can be something like the one above), is at least 250 words long, and is tagged with "steemiteducation" and "steemhomework". This does not have to be recent. It can be something you remembered from when you were a kid.

For more details and for a place to "turn in your homework", please check out this post.

Images 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

All math related images are screenshots from the presentation I created.

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Wow, such creative methods you have! @hanshotfirst. I wish I had a teacher like you in my school days lol :P Would hopefully have math as my favourite!

Maths that subject so many of i ised to hate on school good article budd

I stopped at integers...

Lots of people do. It's tough convincing kids to give it another shot.

#Steemithomework ? .... I'm off to find @gringalicious !

Currently sitting opposite a teacher nodding her head at this methodology and laughing at the video :D

And as well as ripping up the homework I'm post-crossing as well, just to be a really bad student. Taylor Swift needs to shake if off more often! <3 <3

Loved yesterdays blog :D

Nodding her head up and down. Not left to right ;)
Excellent method! When teaching teenagers, just getting them to relate and laugh (with you or at you - both work) are often key to a successful lesson. Would have loved to have you as a math teacher.

Thanks! You sound like an educator yourself? (The laugh with or at you part just screams "teacher"). Are you a teacher?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Haha, I sure am!
(and now the teacher in you is going to tell me to go write a post for Steemiteducation. In 5...4...3......)

Go write a post for steemiteducation!

HA! Nice. Off to work I go. HEIGH HO

Amazing efforts to be heard long enough to teach! Thanks for your insight.

Maths triggered


Two hamburgers with just pickles, four more hamburgers with everything, a cheeseburger with no pickles, a cheeseburger with nothing but pickles two more hamburgers with everything but onions on one and everything with pickles, mustard and tomatoes on the other. Three large fries, six medium fries, one large fries, a junior fries and two junior fries. Three more cheeseburgers with extra cheese and bacon
Two more junior fries and a hamburger with everything. Two more hamburgers with everything and two more hamburgers with everything,
Four large cokes a large sprite, two large cokes and five large cokes and one large coke and a small coke, three small cokes and a small coke and a small coke.

...and just one ketchup.


Oh yeah! I love the one ketchup part. My kids are usually too busy laughing and I have to rewind it. And the fact that it is "for here" is pretty good too.

Your post is awesome! I've always thought I'd like to become a teacher at some point, but it doesn't really pay well, does it? On the other hand, it might be the best way to really contribute something to the world, by sharing our knowlegde with the next generations.

Respect for teachers!

Sounds right to me!

Haha. Wish i had a teacher like you!

Hahahaha. Those are some interesting thought you have put. When i was KID my mom use to trick me to studying. Each and every time a new trick she had.

Great mom!

Very nice! Wish you had been my maths teacher. Excellent point about sketches on saturday night live too! 🤣

Oh hey does my homework get graded too on steemiteducation?

Ugh math was my worst subject in school! Bleg

I here you. Try to reduce the "ugh"s in my students.

Lol. We have an interesting grading scale... time + effort = success!

Another winner @hanshotfirst! The most salient point you made, for me at least, is that you really cannot teach anybody (but especially teenagers...) unless they want to learn from you, and GIVE you their attention. I don't think you even get 120 seconds anymore, more like 10. But hook them in and they are amazing learners. Bet your students love you!

Thanks! Sometimes they do...

Cant stop laughing Wait have to go now have some homework to catch up on LOL thank you for sharing

Great post the funny thing is no matter how I order they always get my order wrong or it takes waaaay to long to get the MADTv skits...

Lol the way...I am a lecturer and of course i have a lot of things to share.. your article let me know that i have a chance to post about what i have during class...I have some videos of students' presentations to share here with great education tag..thanks for your information @hanshotfirst

Awesome! We need good educational content! Make sure to tag it steemiteducation!

Haha, fantastic way to imprint, grab their attention and teach - you certainly caught mine.

One of my favorites that a teacher used with me in class to discuss probabilities was the monty hall problem with this clip from 21.

WANT to make them pay attention. So well said.

I am 23, and it still happens today when i go home, and my mother asks me to do somerhing particular chore or anything, she would i have heard if, but only my eyes are looking at her, my mind is in my cellphone.

I always used to suck at math in high school. I was tutored and still had a hard time with it (yes, I was that bad). Super delighted when I could drop it in 4th grade, however it decided to haunt me when I wanted to do a bachelor study which required math - and back we were in the books.

I wish my teachers taught me math this way, I am sure hamburgers and fries would help me way faster. I am serious, fries are my footer!

Thanks for sharing this. You also drew my attention for @steemiteducation! I will look into it. The way you spoke about it sure sounded interesting.

Thanks for sharing :)

That was hilarious, i wish I had a teacher like you growing up hahah

Lol, cant stop laughing

Homework? Boo!!!! You are stupid hanshotfirst! Homework is the worst! You are terrible for suggesting such a terrible idea! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!

Steem on

My math teacher showed us that video.

thats great (y)

thats great


Very interesting, good post and I like, hopefully the next post better with a more perfect idea. follow me @pojan, Upvote and give a positive comment for me.

hahahahaha man best one lmao haha

Keeping the child stimulated with an interesting and fun classroom helps keeps a child with problems focused, good on you for making the effort :)

following you now :)

I always follow you.
Because you are offering leaflets at the level


please sir follow me upvote

I always follow you.
Because you are offering leaflets at the level
Keep going

got me

upvote now..good

Yeah this got me..... Anyone can explain but not everyone can teach. It takes way more than just explaining. It's about impacting. Great piece

@hanshotfirst!!!!!! I have to tell you that I am a nurse that had to take a math refresher to renew my nursing license, because I had not practiced nursing in four years. I had to pass the math test with 100% to be licensed. Your method really does work! I looked through the slides after the video, and it totally made sense to me. (nursing math is mostly algebra) Thanks for the clarity!!!!

Baznga, Doh, .... nice post but hard to comment on :D

Oh good Lord. I'm dying... really. This is what death feels like.

WOW once again you stump me with your ideas and words - I would love to be in one of your classes - I think you are an amazing teacher who is not only clever, but has a great effect on the kids. Thank you for a great post

Great strategy @hanshotfirst! This reminds me of my former boss who was a Chemistry and Music teacher before working as a programmer - he had a similar strategy too!

It is still a great challenge to make the students fall in love with the math. Teachers try many methods like rhyming and stories telling, the color principle and many other things to make it attractive. The way of incorporating concoction into it seems quite interesting.

Excellent post @hanshotfirst. I insist that all the math teachers must be like you.

Hahhaa its great to see post like this u made my day

nice post @hanshotfirst. mathy is really creepy for me