A faithful friend you are the charity of worship you

in funny •  7 years ago 


The path is tortuous, I skip the walk I was picked up by various obstacles, but the science that I have not enough to skip it all, because in front of me there is one, a very large tree being uprooted in front of me. do I have to go through it all? with the possibility I will get hurt by the branches and thorns of the tree, but I have to go through it all if I want to achieve one goal that is free of obstacles.So also if we want to live in the hereafter enter heaven! then prepare the science of religion as much as his.

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Hay @heryhasmadi Dengan kemungkinan saya akan terluka oleh cabang dan duri pohon itu, tapi saya harus melalui semua itu jika ingin mencapai satu tujuan yang bebas dari rintangan. Jadi juga jika kita ingin tinggal di akhirat masuk surga! maka siapkan ilmu agama sebanyak miliknya.