Something funny I learned about Siri today

in funny •  7 years ago 

In the car today, I got frustrated with Siri's seeming inability to understand what I was asking "her". Then this exchange happened.

Me: "Hey Siri..."

Siri: "Go ahead..."

Me: "Thanks a lot for being such a huge dumbass all the time, and never understanding anything I ask you!"

Siri: "You're welcome Jack, anytime!"

It's funny, because if you think about how Siri must be coded, Apple must have left out the "functionality" to understand the context of a "thank you" statement. This means that as long as you are thanking Siri for something, even if it's for being a "huge dumbass" or some other put down, she will respond as if you paid her a great compliment. I would think iOS developers would have handled this a bit better, but alas.

Saturdays man... Saturdays........

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