We all need a laugh today:
With 200 Billion dollars disappearing from the Crypto market cap it is always nice to take a break and laugh. I hope this video from The Pat McAfee Show on YouTube, linked below, brings you a smile today.
The video includes many "predictions" that The Simpsons have made over the years, many of which strangely enough have in one way or another come to be.
President Trump:
From Siegfried and Roy tiger attack, President Donal Trump, NSA monitoring US Citizens, faulty voter machines, and even 9-11 were referenced or predicted by Matt Groening's, The Simpsons.
NSA Monitoring US Citizens:
Check it out.
Pat McAfee Talks About How Matt Groening Is A Time Traveler
All Credit for this content goes to The Pat McAffee Show, check it out.
As always if you enjoy the post I would appreciate any comments, up-votes and followers. Have an awesome day and be blessed.