Challenge Accepted

in funny •  6 years ago 

Most of you know that I enjoy lip-syncing. Many people think that when I make my lip-sync videos, I do them in many takes and just upload the best one. Not true. I don't like to do more than one take.

As was the case with someone on another social media platform who was not convinced. I gave a few song choices, they chose the song and we went live on youtube while I filmed it with my camera. This is the result.

Pitbull ft. Ke$ha "Timber"

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Better option choice is a talent,, sometime i don't understand what should i give,,Confused..!!
Your lip-sync videos on Dtube is awesome..I like it,,@jennifer78..
I collect your id on Discord/steemschool..yesterday,you sang well..
i became a fan,,,Nice !~!!
thanks for sharing

Thank you for the compliment. But I honestly don't sing well. I get stage fright in front of people, especially live karaoke.

What is something you enjoy doing? I can try to help you find a hidden talent you may not know you have!

That's a great platform which is awesome,,i like it so much,,I crushed on your sweet voice,,
For why i @follow you,,

You're too sweet!

you too..