Thenali Raman story 23:Secrets of Happiness

in funny •  6 years ago 

Tenali Ramakrishna, affectionately recognized as Tenali Rama, was a sixteenth century court writer at the Vijayanagara Empire in India. He hailed from a town called Tenali. He is recollected even today for his remarkable mind, brightness and intelligence.

Would could it be that we need throughout everyday life? We may have an extensive rundown prepared – running from scoring 100% in the Math exam to learning bungee hopping. In any case, a definitive objective of every movement is to bring satisfaction. Be that as it may, how would we live joyfully as opposed to live looking for satisfaction?

Here are somewhere in the range of Tenali Ramakrishna stories, or as one may call them, accounts! Tenali Rama, through the medium of ordinary regular plots in his stories, speaks fundamentally about the more profound and the inconspicuous things which are basic for every one of us to consolidate throughout everyday life. Genuine insight reflects in his work.

#1: Be glad NOW! - says Tenali Rama to his dear companion

Appreciating the delicate ocean breeze, lying in a loft, Tenali Rama's companion wore a fantastic expansive grin all over.

Tenali : "Why are you grinning independent from anyone else?"

Companion : "I'm thinking about the day when I will be really glad".

Tenali : When is that?

Companion : When I can have my very own place by the ocean, an agreeable auto, a sound bank adjust, get hitched to a pretty young lady, have four children, get them taught with the goal that they land a decent position, win a great deal of cash, and…

Tenali (Interrupting) : I get the photo, yet what will you do after all that?

Companion : Then I can essentially set up my feet and unwind and appreciate the delicate breeze and the sun all over.

Tenali : But my companion, you are doing that now itself – without doing all that diligent work!

Have you perceived how we ordinarily continue putting off our bliss? For example, on the off chance that you are in school, you think: 'Once I am finished with school, I'll be glad!" Then, it's school, work, and the rundown goes on. You satisfy one want, there is a brief feeling of joy and even before you know it, you begin searching for bliss in something unique – 'If just I locate my optimal life accomplice, I'll be upbeat', and afterward 'On the off chance that I get advanced, I'll be cheerful', and this chain proceeds.

Bliss is no place later on! Consider it – would you be able to be cheerful yesterday or tomorrow? You can get ready for it yet you can be cheerful NOW, would it say it isn't? How might we be cheerful and do everything in life as opposed to do all that consistently just to discover joy? Reflection is your answer.Meditation conveys your brain to the present minute where genuine satisfaction lies and gives you the quality to grin each minute.

#2: Be content with what you have

Once Tenali Rama saw a man out and about holding a major round shield over his travel toward the sun. Inquisitive to recognize what the man was attempting to do, Tenali Rama went up to him and enquired.

Tenali : What are you doing?

Man : I am endeavoring to shroud the sun. It is too splendid.

Tenali : My companion, why are you disturbing yourself to such an extent? I have a less complex answer for your concern."

Saying this, Tenali Rama grabbed a grain of sand in his grasp and blew it into the man's eyes.

Have you perceived how you are continually running behind wants, trusting that their satisfaction will bring you bliss? Also, in this pursuit, you can't appreciate what you as of now have. These wants resemble the sand particles in the eye which don't give you a chance to see the excellence of what you have.

Contemplation liberates us from this heat and washes away these clean particles. It gives us internal opportunity and satisfaction.



#3: Improve perception, observation, and articulation with contemplation

Tenali Rama and his significant other were settling on what shading to paint their home.

Spouse : I need pink!

Tenali : Are you genuine? We better abandon it white and brilliant!

Spouse : I have decided. I will be upbeat just with pink.

Tenali (giving her a couple of pink-shaded glasses) : Fine. Have it your way. Wear these glasses and not only these dividers, even I will be pink!

What was Tenali Rama considering? Wearing pink glasses does not make the house pink.

Stress hues our view of the real world. Therefore, we don't see things the way they are. This regularly brings about mistaken assumptions and offers ascend to additionally pressure. How can one escape this endless loop?

Contemplation enables you clearness and to see things the way they are. Perception, observation and articulation, each of the three enhance with contemplation.

With less mistaken assumptions and correspondence holes, remaining upbeat ends up less demanding.

#4: Save your brain at any cost

Tenali Raman and his significant other were setting off to a companion's wedding. His better half wore her best sari and gems.

Abruptly a crazy bullock truck came hurrying from behind. Tenali rapidly pulls his significant other towards himself with an end goal to convey her to security, loses adjust and them two fall into a pit along the street.

Spouse (disturb): What do you think you were doing? You spoilt my lovely dress! I can't go to the wedding like this now!

Tenali : Well, it's a great opportunity to purchase another dress at that point (as he grins to himself saying thanks to God that she is sheltered)!

Have you at any point been in circumstances when you have attempted to do great however wound up accomplishing something obnoxious? Have you seen that amid such circumstances, you wind up feeling awful and pointing the finger at yourself? This is on the grounds that the mindfulness that in any event your goal was great isn't generally there. Activities may not generally be immaculate but rather aims can be unadulterated. Through contemplation, we can cognize the expectation and acknowledge the defect in the activity. This spares our psyche and enables us to be upbeat, come what may.

The over Tenali Rama stories, show us the significance of living right now while managing pressure, being thankful for what we have as opposed to cribbing about what we need and how we should acknowledge circumstances as they are and supporting the correct goals while tolerating our defects.

Through the act of Yoga and Meditation, you can take advantage of the sea of delight that is available inside every last one of us. Aptitudes and gifts which we didn't know existed, jump up once you begin contemplating

Thanking you

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