Mouse Update #2 with Bonus Original Song "Little Ratty Rat"

in funny •  7 years ago  (edited)

A couple of days ago we began our latest adventure "Mouse Hunt", where our kitchen was partially demolished trying to find a mouse. You can read ~ 105 ~ Walk With Me on the Homestead: Mice & Ice to catch up on my overly dramatized version of events.

I had to make this a video update because the story just has too much history and overexaggeration to type.

Bonus Track!

"Little Ratty Rat" By @hendrix22 and @lyndsaybowes.

Warning for easily offended sissies: Explicit Lyrics

(Video 7:26)

To Be Continued...

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I lovea it whena you sing Lyndsay.

You justa need to a giva the Don a call, I makea your problema go away.
I have that liddle MotherFugger whacked a for you babe.

My friend Tomasino he hatea them too and likea to kill them now he finally catch a Jerry!

Don Poltryoni - Supremo Chicken & Goodfella.

You will be happy to know we are doing just this!! A friend offered us her mousing cat, we are bringing her home tonight!! YAY!!!!!

Alright....i have the answer.
Note doing it this way will drown the mouse or rat.
5 gallon bucket
1 soda can
Peanut butter
Spray butter

Fill bucket half way with water
Spray remaning sides with butter
Drink soda while smiling, poke hole in bottom of the can feed string through can so it spins on string, spray can with butter
Tie string tightly to bucket sides
Put ramp to string on 1 side of bucket
Glob peanut butter on can.

When rat goes on string, can will rotate sropping rat or mouse into watet, cannot get out.

Has this worked for you? @khackett below was telling us about your special friend in the garage hehehee!!!!

I'll definitely show this to Brendan :) :) :)

The bucket trap works for us. My husband uses them in his workshop and garage. It really does work...if you have dogs you will need to hide the trap from them or they'll just lick off all the peanut butter. You've got a lovely voice. Loved the song. Good luck!

Thanks for the encouragement, I trust when my hubby gets home he'll be pretty interested in setting up this rig! <3 <3 <3 <3 I'm glad you liked the song lol!!

Fingers crossed for you. I hate killing creatures but mice are so destructive and well ...they pee everywhere. Rude house guests must be banished.

Not at home, but out in oil field we would catch them by the 10s. Like in a 4 week time, we would catch them by the hundreds

Oh wow, this is another version of my bucket trap. Mine is taped on paper with an X cut in so it looks like a flat surface and the little guy confidently walk onto to get the crumbs in the middle and blammo their are our prisoner!

'Oh thanks for cheese, peanut butter and exercise machine!'

Thank you!! Exaaaaaaaaaaactly!

Pretty sure I've seen them do that. 😂😂

This is hilarious. They can be be little devils. If you want to know what I did and still sometimes do (being a crazy animal person that I am) is I catch them live and then put em in an aquarium and keep them to look at and sketch from. Or drive them like 20 miles and let them go. Here is what I have always done since I was probably 5! My parents showed me how to do it because, well they encouraged my love of animals even in this crazy way.

So, take a big metal coffee can or smaller bucket and tape paper over the opening. Then carefully cut an X in the center and carefully place it back together so it looks like a solid piece of paper but has four pyramids. Now CAREFULLY place some crumbs or anything you get get to sit in the very center of the paper X. And in the morning you will have a little friend in the bucket.

You can do what you want with him, kill him, take him far away or if he is such a genius, put him in a 20 gal aquairum with pet mouse suppiles and he can be an example to all the other mice that: IF you get too smart for traps you have to live in a glass box with the humiliation and indignation of humans looking at you saying cute things like "Oh widdle coot mousey" :)

Good Luck, I'll wait with bated breath :)

I will be interested to see if you try my crazy ways.

Oooh you're gonna hate me then hahahaa, we borrowed a friend's cat lolololol!!

That is such a beautiful story though...and sounds like a fabulous contraption. Now all I can picture is you sketching mice in aquariums lolol!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 You're such a beauty!!

No hate here, Puss has brought in baby bunnies as cute as any Beatrix Potter sketch and then bit their heads off in front of me. It's all just nature. I love animals so I also love them for who they are and mice are on the bottom of the food chain. I have killed them with traps as well as trapped them live to watch and sketch them. I believe in shades of grey, not just black and white :)

I hope the cat does it. I know we never have mice, cuz Puss is the ultimate mouser. And she keeps the rabbits down too which I praise her for, as I have a veg garden every Summer, well fenced, but you know rabbits, like deer, don't give a darn about fences. Though Puss has not felled any deer though, that would be truly awesome if she did...OK I'm wandering into my 'imaginary place' and was just planning a sketch of Puss carrying a dear carcass to me :)

I hope that cat does her job. I have often thought, as mcabre as it sounds, of mounting a mousehead in taxidermy for the wall of my doll's house, but Puss never leaves anything but the offal, and boy is it awful (yes fully intended Pun right there)

Good luck!

Thank you Donna! That would be a great sketch by the way!!! The Incredible Puss: Deer hunter :) :) :)

All i can say is, that song is fucking golden. 🤣🤣🤣

We have a rat in our garage. He's been taunting us since the beginning of winter!!! He eats any food we try to store out there. So we cleaned and set traps. Guess how that worked out? 😂
Yep, That's the still empty trap with his favorites. Chips and cheese.
These animals are smart man! 🙈🤷

AHHAHAAA Niiiiiiiice~!!!! Glad to know we're in solidarity :) I think we would have a lot of fun around a campfire together :) :) :)

You know it! ❤❤😁

Oh my Gods I laughed so many times hearing your story, but then nearly lost it when the song had "FUCK YOU CUNT" 😂😂😂
That's about how I've spoken to many bugs that scared me. 😂
Someone else on my Facebook was talking about having a mouse and she was trying the humane traps that catch them in a box and then you let them out in the woods or something, and her mouse too, was eating the bait and not setting off the traps!

The mice have evolved.

They have evolved!! This is only more proof of my suspicions!!!!

I'm so happy you saw the video, heard the song and LULZED!!! Hahahahahaa was TOTALLY thinking of you when I made it hahhaahahhaahaa!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Dave was right, you need a cat! There are mice in my building, but in ten years never once in my apartment! On mice maps, my apartment is a shady area labeled, "there be dragons".

I was just going to ad this on to my comment to get a cat! Just not one like TOM 💯🐒

Okay, you are going to bet pissed off with me, but I'll say it anyway, and hope you laugh instead.

As the song started, the expression on your face struck a chord, it reminded me of someone. Then I remembered, it was a teen girl who got her father to sing a song (Kentucky Whisky) while she sits next to him in the car.

From her face you can see she is oh so proud of him...and it went viral.

I have been wanting to ask you or your husband something, but it has nothing to do with mice or rats. It is about something that exists in the USA and not here where I live (I would love to get some seeds, but is not likely to happen).

I saw on YT vids on how to grow a tomato tree, one was hanging upside down, and it grows tomatoes for 9 months of the year, with each tomato at an average of 400grams each (that is about one pound?)

Do you, or have you grown them?

I have never grown a tomato plant upside down before, I'd like to see how they do this if you can send me a link that would be great! <3 <3 Much Love Arthur! <3 <3 I could never be pissed off at you! hahaha <3 Thank you actually for watching the video :) :) :) That's cool that I remind you of someone <3

The Topsy Turvy Tomato Planter is the upside down tomato planter that can help you grow up to 30 lbs. of tomatoes per plant. No more backbreaking garden work. More more running the risk of having your tomatoes spoil from laying on the ground. Just attach your planter to a firm fixture, put in your tomato plant, fill the planter with soil, water daily and within weeks you have scrumptious, juicy, ripe tomatoes. (I'm certain you can make this yourselves)

Of course, if you view these in YT, a list of other similar videos will be shown underneath.

If you can, grow a Tamarillo tree (in South Africa they call them tomato trees). Healthier than a tomato and delicious. Once a tree starts to bear fruit, you'll never need to buy another seedling (I don't know how cold it gets where you are, mine grows despite temps of just under zero, but for the first years I protect it from freezing).


sorry, not Kentucky - was Tennessee Whiskey:

Goodness I adore you all.
Wondeful song xD haha

Remember that story I mentioned about the spirit and the using animal as a vessal?
Sounds like that kind of msg.

I would give a intuitive reading, but I'll just sound like a nutball. (As always.)

I tagged you in a comment on venonomous's post not sure if it notify's you but figured best to pop in and ask directly.

So glad you posted this~ made my day.
Hope the bucket thing that was linked helps!!!

No I never get notifications on this site hahaha!! I'll go to V's post and see.

PS: Our neighbour is lending us their mousing cat, she's coming here tonight! xoxo


I hope the kitty works out for you!
(Best metaphore ty)

Anywho the tag I was hoping for would be like for a live active celebration of life and our human family caring for the planet.

It could be used for garden season too.

As much as this is going to pain me to tell you. But.....😂 I really enjoyed that video and the song with undertones that ramind me of the great Violent Fems band I grew up listening to. Now this is the part that pains me. Cos it means this saga is going to end soon and it looks to me that it has created a lot of fun for you and followers. (Even produced music) This is not a super smart mouse. It's just all traps are made so safe they don't work at all. It's so you don't get your fingers caught. But you left me with a dilemma cos I really want to see more videos/ music but I can't help but not tell you how to out smart this little sucker and his mates. He's just gotsta gtfo of your space. So best way is to use a steel file is best or a bit of sandpaper will work. You need to file the end of the pin that holds the trap down. A slight shamfer will do. (Just round the tip off )that goes into the trigger hole. So it can be set just on the edge of wanting to go off. A piece of paper should set it off once done and set right. Be very gentle putting it down cos it will go off and best to hold it with the palm of your hand over the business end while setting it so it can't slam on fingers while trying to set it on the edge you just filed. Best bait is to jam a pumpkin seed on the spike cos they don't come off without a fight. But set like this anything touches it will spring it. If you don't want to kill the mouse. Use a beer bottle on the end of a stick so it can slide on the stick and roll over. Peanut butter on the other end of the bottle. Little bit of oil or vacaline on the bottle make it slippery then lean the stick up with the bottle hanging over the top of the bucket. So when he slips he falls in. Put a little water in the bottom to stop him getting out or a lot if you want to drown them. It will help your mouse problem if you get this right. Good luck Godspeed and happy hunting. ❤️

Awwww, so nice to see you over on my blog Tony!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Thank you, that makes so much sense about the traps, they are rather hard to set off you are right!!

And I think we have our problem solved, our friend is lending us her mousing cat, we're grabbing her tonight, here's to hoping this works~~~if not, I'm sure it will at least make for some more interesting blogs and perhaps songs too LOL!!! Her name is Edgar....the little black kitty :)

Ahhhh! This shits gonna turn out like the Tom and jeri show. My favourite as a kid. I look forward too it. 😂. Just remember this mouse could be speedy Gonzalez. I want slow mo video. 👀
Little black kitty sounds like the start of a great song.

The poor little cat is still hiding lololol, could be a few days yet until she feels comfortable enough to start roaming around the house...

Could be she seen the mouse and went fuck that. I heard this guy's reputation all over the net. He's a super villain. Im only a cat FFS. 9 lives that all. What part don't you humans get ?
Just a thought. Here when we move house or move a cat. We put butter on the bottom of their paws. It is said that they go to walk and stop to clean their paws and the butter off the floor. The story goes that they think there is butter everywhere and are happy to make this home. Could be a wife's tale. But they do this to cats that when they move the cat keeps going back to the old house.

Omg hahahahaa!! I think I'll skip the butter trick...for now...don't want the animal rights activists all up in my business lmao!!!

Thank you for doing this cat whispering though...I think you may be onto something...Edgar is scared of the mouse!!

Hiii my friend @lyndsaybowes, amazing to see your video. Great touch. Really Bonus Track 'Little Ratty Rat'. Good Work. and "Mouse Hunt" is interesting and Adventurer Activity.
Take Care.

Aww, I'm glad you liked our song haha! Thanks for listening/watching Rabeel! <3 <3 How are you and your family?

You have a very smart mouse! Cute song! But miserable mouse! We had one that used to come out at night and watch us watching TV!

That would be a pretty creepy feeling!!

To get a mouse I usually have mouse traps side by side like maybe 3 or 4 traps so that when it runs the other traps might catch it. I took a while and it worked.

They are a pain in the ass I tell you and getting rid of them is actually a bigger pain. They jump traps, they avoid fish laced with rat poison , they have really evolved and I don't know what to do about them. So they plague you too?
Kiedis have come of age huh...? Acting all grown up and Proudly displayed on steemit, my boy wants to make money hahaha! That's great dear.
By the way, what a lovely song.

Ooh yes, mice are definitely a world wide problem :) :) :) They are everywhere, and always wanting to come in to get out of the cold, so fall and winter time is the worst.

I'm glad you got to be formally introduced to Kiedis <3 <3 He's pretty excited that we finally let him sign up, he's been after us for months and months about it. It will certainly teach him a lot, and he'll learn a lot about writing and making videos too, I'll be kind of using it as a school type thing... <3 <3

Big Love Sister, thanks for writing me <3

now you know what we went through for months at the beginning. we have traps outside now and inside. BTW..nice bra with polka dots for the video

Special just for you ;)

Haha super mouse! Looks like your going to have to reason with him haha 💯🐒

We're certainly going to try ;)

hahaha :p so you got him or not?
That was a fucking awesome song, Mam!
Can we have a closer look at your tattoos?

No, we still have not got him lolol :)

Thanks for listening hahaha :) :) Have a great evening! I'll do a blog one day on the tattoos :)

Can't want to see them more closer :p how many tattoos do you have on your body?

Hilarious but serious too 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I found getting a cat was the ultimate in rodent control after many failed traps including the device with the bucket of water and spinning peanut butter over it. Plus cats are so gorgeous to have around it’s a win win situation. 💛🌈🦋🌴☀️

Cats are pretty awesome indeed <3 <3 <3 It would be great to have a cat around here again...

Get Opa to set the traps, he is a professional. My mother uses the sticky things that you can get. we catch one almost every day. and no more candies in the closet. that is just way to easy...

Goodness!! Get that pesky mouse!! And, good luck doing it!! Thx for the laughs 😁

try a bucket of water with some peanut butter in it, that's what we used to do and it works very well.
And I watched the whole vid, loved the song hahaha your lines were epic
So nice to see your smiles too <3 <3 <3

We'll give a try tonight, thanks. Do you have to set up a ramp for them to get in it? That's how I did it before with ratty rat in the greenhouse and he didn't fall for it. Hopefully this guy does!

No ramp, they scurry up somehow... you could try a ramp though haha

Haha mad respect for such a smart guy, My dad's had to resort to sticky pads when traps don't work, which make me really bummed out to think about, but if you're desperate and your stuff is getting ruined... maybe

Meh I dont even like suggesting that, such a bad way to go-

I have faith this mouse will continue to win, if he's anything like his Great Grandfather...

If you can't beat em, join em? I say the boys get to catch him and keep him as a pet ;)

Come on! This is Steemit! No easily offended sissies are allowed here! 😆😂🤣

Rambo mouse :D :D :D

Thanks for watching @cryptocatz <3

Lovely! I hate meeses to peeces! They can be tricky. I use crunchy peanut butter and make sure a nut is stuck in the tongue part of the trap. A friend of mine uses this when he leaves for the winter.
Glad you are keeping your sense of humor about it all. Good luck.

Thanks a lot @warpedweaver!

Rodents, rodents, rodents. Here was an update on our experience:

Ba hahahaa sounds funny, going to check it now!


Well its very nice stuff and wonderful steeming @lyndsaybowes

Hahah... easily offended indeed. Listened to just about a minute and i so love it already. Let me go back and groove to the rest

@lyndsaybowes this is really spellbinding and amazing.

Funny and cool ... Music is touching... 😎

really funny...😁 & you are looking really cute mam.☺


good music my friend @ yg biasa.saya upvote and resteem your post please visit my blog my friends.@pengenkaya.


Hello @lyndsaybowes,
1% of a tree has been planted for You 🌴
We are very grateful for your support @montaquilaa
Let's make Mother Earth a greener place!

Great post. Thank you so much for sharing.

thanks friends for the good video and useful for me. I like to post friends.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

You copied @amymya's comment. Naughty naughty...

I've seen this person do the same at another post - where it also was flagged. Does not learn, it seems.

While I am here, I have noticed you sometimes upvote me, so thank you very much.

Very welcome :)