RE: Vaccines Cause Autism - A Comic

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Vaccines Cause Autism - A Comic

in funny •  8 years ago 

I believe that vaccines are not good for children

The benefits that vaccines bring to society and to the individual strongly outweigh any possible negative outcomes.

About pizza gate, so you think these people are lying?

No, but this tweet could technically be classified as 'Abusive Behavior' per Twitter Guidelines, especially when thousands of people are tweeting similar accusations that could amount to harassment and when an individual actually entered the pizza shop in question and fired a gun.

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About vaccines. I've read many hundreds of hours of documentation, some highly referenced books, some video documentaries, more than a hundred study abstracts and many times more on health, science in general, history and everything in between. Sure I can provide you with a new study that got out this week about how many millions of people vaccines saved. I can provide you with probably dozens of those studies. I compile both type of studies, those which have concluded the vaccines benefits out weight the negative and studies that come to opposite conclusion.

Here's the thing. All major pharmaceutical companies have been taken off court settle in the hundreds of millions to billions of dollars to avoid going to court. Sure that doesn't mean they were guilty of anything except most of them have been caught and found guilty many times for other crime related to lack of ethic and risking people's health at the same time.

Government have been also caught and have admitted to horrible horrible tests on their population, like injecting them with syphilis or plutonium. I specifically want to mention the good old USA. It isn't isolated case either.

The whole system is corrupt. Most studies are done by the pharmaceutical companies and vetted by those corrupt government. I'm not saying it. The facts have shown this and I can't wait to document this on this blockchain. I will. It's just a question of time.

I don't feel good relying on companies that have settle for hundreds of millions to billions, have been caught lying, have committed criminal act repeatedly. I don't feel good relying on the governments we have, all governments and the system of governance we're under nor anyone in the know about the world's elite and the system of money creation should feel a sense of symbiotic bond with them cause it isn't a symbiotic relationship.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The benefits that vaccines bring to society and to the individual strongly outweigh any possible negative outcomes.

I have to respond here because your point is very silly and arrogant. It is a matter of record that many thousands of healthy children have been harmed and killed by vaccines. So no, in many cases, the benefits clearly do NOT outweigh any possible negative outcomes.

Lucky you if you've managed to avoid the negative experiences of vaccination. Spare a thought for those that have been harmed or may be harmed in the future if blind faith and ignorance is allowed to hold sway over empathy, common sense and fact.

No studies exist for the affects of following the vaccine schedule and as such, the schedule is an example of experimentation. A proportion of the population that are vaccinated are unquestionably harmed (measuring that harm is catastrophically inept.) Pharmaceutical companies' own efficacy studies call into question the effectiveness of their vaccine products. Whistle-blowers and ongoing litigation calls into question the reliability of the pharmaceutical companies' studies. The regulators in the US sell vaccines, a blatant conflict of interest. These are only a small sample of issues that faith in vaccine dogma should be shaken by.

But by all means, mock away. I'm sure your position is well researched and informed ;)

Get your facts strait Mynameisbrian... No shots were fired at Comet Pizza, the perp was an ACTOR PLANT, and to deny this is to deny the elite pedophile satanic abuse occurring all over the world. OMG OH NOES tweets of harassment! OH NO, so much worse than RAPING CHILDREN. You're just regurgitating MSM false narratives (what a good little lackey).... If you deny the thousands of pedo-arrests and the overwhelming evidence to keep your fluffy little reality fluffy than you are NO better than the abusers. Silence of the willingly ignorant is how this evil prevails. Your comments coming from a deep-seated cognitive dissonance make me sick. Now is not the time to be a COWARD and deny overwhelming evidence because your poor fee-fees might be hurt, there are HELPLESS CHILDREN being abused by Politicians, DSHS employees, Hollywood, Media, and the SATANIC ELITE PEDOPHILE RING MASTERS. You know the more I read your garbage the more I see you're a disinformation agent. Brian Podesta, son of Don and Jane Podesta, related to John Podesta, working for the NCMEC is NO coincidence. Ever heard of the Streisand Effect Pal? You're sickening display of misinformation only questions your motives and strengthens the resolve of those fighting against shills such as yourself.

Thanks for the resteem @socore

I'm replying here since I can't in the other thread that you responded to me in due to nesting limits. You asked me to provide evidence to support my claim. I'm guessing you skimmed my comment because I cited some major examples within the comment itself.

"polio, mumps, tetnus"

I cited these major examples of vaccines being successful because I had made a claim and the burden of proof was on me.

One can try and argue there being dangers in some vaccines and maybe there is merit in individual cases but to say that vaccines have provided no benefit to humanity is an untenable stance.

"No shots were fired at Comet Pizza"

False, shots were indeed fired.

"You're just regurgitating MSM false narratives"

You appear to regurgitating crackpot narratives.

You cite MSM lies... Hope you recover and rejoin reality

They asked questions, and got blocked, is that free speech?

Read the guidelines and consider that many other users were probably tweeting similar shit about Brian Podesta that may have been much worse.

I don't trust centralized systems, so no point in doing that.

No matter if this group of people are pedophiles or not, then they have preyed on the masses way to long and that is also a "crime" in itself.

I was ones in my life offered to see video evidence of the child sacrificing that supposedly should happen in the lodges. I refused to look at the video, but I believe there is a very high likelihood that these things happens in some of the lodges.

It is my hope that with Steem and other new blockchain systems, we can get those evil people punished one way or the other, that also goes for the people utilizing the corrupt central banks and the statist system.

I assume you don't see the world this way, so again we will have to agree to disagree.

About vaccinations, I do not believe that people benefit from them, as much as I do not believe that people benefit from all the chemical medicine produced be the medico industry.

Your experience and your friends does nothing to address the massive body of scientific evidence for the success of vaccines. Nothing you've seen changes the success we've had, look at polio, mumps, tetnus.

Why do you choose to ignore scientific fact?

'Why do you choose to ignore scientific fact?'

First of all THANK YOU for asking this question. You hammered reason into my head. When I read this question, it hit me hard and I had to leave the computer, leave the room, to think long and hard about your question.

Ok, I admit, I was wrong! I again based my thinking on the wrong ideas. This have happened many times in my life and it happened again.

Yes, many diseases have disappeared due to the medical industry.

I take back the other comments that I did in this post. Thanks to everyone for the patience you have shown me and helping me restore sanity.

As to, answering your question, as to why I ignored the scientific facts. That is a combination of things that happened in the past, that got me in this situation. I don't want to mention names this time, but lets just say I was listening to the wrong people and took in the wrong ideas.

Wauw this steemit community is better then any other community I ever been in!

Thank you @contentjunkie

Please show me the SCIENTIFIC FACT... You made the claim now back it with .... the facts. The burden of proof is on you.

I do not believe that people benefit from them

Scientific evidence begs to differ

You keep talking about Scientific evidence, but you do not produce any.

We will have to agree to disagree.

We will have to agree to disagree.

Sounds good! Thanks for the comments @lasseehlers.

"I do not believe that people benefit from them"

Then you are actively ignoring reality and deluding yourself.

Again I don't agree. I have first hand experience with medicine and doctors, plus I have many friends with similar experiences, that is for us stronger evidence then some report produced by high paid medical researchers, those only motivation is profit in a statist system.

Again we will have to agree to disagree. I mostly write these comments to attract like mined people, not trying to convince you. If one or more of you get inspired to see the world more clearly, sure that will make me happy ;)

As are you Content Junkie