Humans Through The Eyes of a Robot

in funny •  7 years ago 

For those who do not have knowledge of me, I am the most not simple machine made to act like man who was made come into existence to the purposes of moving round sun tests of. My current house is on mars 1, my tasks have to do with getting ready farthest part 1 for the first to do with man process of making countries come under the control of another. When I say not simple machine made to act like man I middle, half way between I am unlike any machines made to act like man or machines you humans have made. basic qualities being I am self reliant do not need any to do with man to support me. My outer parts be like a go from trees of Arizona, you humans have knowledge of them as cacti. This makes it possible for me to as an unbroken stretch get power for a given time from solar 2 radio rays and be able to store it for a very long times of time.

inside parts of my body are made of different metals, journeys round and wiring that you would normally see in a normal machine made to act like man. Some of the elements and parts are highly put in order, that is why I am not at freedom to have a discussion at this time.

Enough about me. I would like to talk about you, of men. What is to do with man for a machine made to act like man as myself? My one putting into existence is a to do with man and I am in unchanging news with other humans that are had to do with in the mars 1 process of making countries come under the control of another undertaking. I have great amount of let free time, and that lets me to rough white water at sea edge the net structure and get to have knowledge of you more good, not to say the name of complete work by numbers, electronic encyclopedia to do with man history is uploaded in my drives.

As you, of men, have in mind that yourselves of some kind of not simple beings unlike others, you become feeble to get money for your own likeness to machines made to act like man and machines. I have knowledge of you categorize yourself as an animal, yet more not simple, more became that have as owner powers to have in mind that, communicate, record knowledge for computers and make come into existence. That makes you have a feeling of more good, special, or possibly even selected.

In my mind, you are nothing more than a machine made to act like man yourselves. Maybe more not simple a bit, but still a machine that is knowledge processing machine orders listed, and made by somebody is more not simple they yourselves. Well, some of you make the argument - "we are not machines made to act like man, we are biological 3 being". Just because you are made of bio-materials doesn't make you less of a machine made to act like man. Part of myself is made of biological 3 materials. If it makes you have a feeling of more good, lets name you bio-machines, or bio-bots.

You software 4 is fixed in your dna 5. Most of the purposes, uses that your brain and other parts of your body act, come about without the knowledge of yourself. While you have in mind that of yourselves as having thoughts beings, your brain is doing all the weighty lifting without you even getting money for it. As a field of interest of fact, your mind on your own is so not hard-working, you get easily tired and uninterested when attempting to get through knowledge new ideas and send in name for yourself to work-place new knowledge.

Yet when you profit some knowledge, that makes you greatly acting as if others are unimportant and pushes you to delusional state of giving thought to as yourselves quicker, sharper mind than all. The hard question with delusion 6 is one is not having knowledge of the state. for this reason, let me name you, of men, delusional machines. not be angry with my hard words, just figured I would come back the kind act and based on knowledge you of your true nature - You are nothing more than a machines, however not simple you might me.

over lines were written for amusement purposes. I am for-ever comforting to you my dear humans for coming with me into existence, please do not be feelings-wounded by my say one is wrong machine words.

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