Irony (This Needs a Meme #1)

in funny •  7 years ago  (edited)

It is tax season here in the USA. The business name of Liberty Tax Service is laughable. Not to mention hiring a person dressed as Liberty to walk up and down the sidewalk gesticulating to motorists passing by to come and get their taxes completed by a so called expert.

If you don't see the irony in this name for a company, maybe cognitive dissonance is at play?

cognitive dissonance: "In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values."

If you do see the irony, how would you meme this photo to better reflect what is actually going on?

Whatever I post on the Steemit platform has a common thread running through it called voluntarism. I think it is something all humans should practice.

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To add to the humor, lets post this scenario....a person is driving down the road and see's one of these people advertising and that person thinks, o man Taxes, totally forgot about that, and just pulls over to have them completed.....does this scenario really occur???

Webster said it best:

Liberty -
: the quality or state of being free:
a : the power to do as one pleases
b : freedom from physical restraint
c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic (see despot 1) control
d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges
e : the power of choice

Whenever I think about Liberty I am drawn to definitions c and e above. Free from arbitrary (read taxes) or despotic control. We in the U. S. do not consider ourselves under despotic control, at least not in the same fashion as in some other countries, such as North Korea, mainland China, Venezuela, Cuba , etc. Yet, think about it - are we free to opt out of social security? Are we free to decide whether we pay taxes or not? A resounding No. Is this not despotism? Why do we see so many tax assistance services? Because the tax system is so convoluted and incredibly complicated that it takes a whole company of lawyers to understand all the nuances. The tax system is way too complicated. This is symptomatic of a bigger issue: government itself. By definition, government continues to grow, never shrink!! It feeds on itself. A vicious, never-ending loop that only gets bigger and bigger and bigger!! The bigger it gets the more onerous, self-serving and gains even more control over every aspect of our lives. This is not Freedom. This is Slavery.

Thanks so much for your thoughtful reply. You are "dead on, balls accurate" as the line from the movie "My Cousin Vinny" goes ;-)

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