Bad Jokes : The Best Sleep Drug

in funny •  7 years ago 

Jono, whose face looked exhausted, went to the doctor's office.

Jono: Doctor, there's a dog around my house. They bark all day and all night, and I can not sleep for a while.

Doctor: I have good news for you. (poking around in a drawer full of drugs). Here are some great new sleeping pills. Wear this and your problem will end.

Jono: Great! I will try.

A few weeks later Jono returned, looking worse than before.

Jono: Doc, your plan is not good. I'm more tired than before!

Doctor: I do not understand how that can happen, (shook his head). That's the strongest pill on the market!

Jono: That may be true (looked disappointed). But I still stayed up all night chasing the dogs and when I finally caught one, it was hard to swallow the pill!

Doctor: (directly take the pill that held Jono).

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