2018 Horoscope for cryptoers. Technical analysis included ;)

in funny •  7 years ago  (edited)

Here it is: the final and 100% Horoscope for all human beings for 2018 is released. Be happy.

Disclaimer: As everyone knows, horoscope is a popular derivation of a very ancient bunch of crap. The Toothfairie is far more real than the weird belief behind Astrology - but that doesn't mean that there isn't a narrative potential in that myth - expecially in comedy.  ♂♃♄♅♆♇     

So, looking at that, here is my true and reliable horoscope for 2018 (I said it already)

Aries: The wall you are used to hit will soon become a wallet

Taurus: Avoid forks  https://www.tauruscoin.com


Gemini: https://gemini.com/ !!!  

Cancer: You will be cured and have to choise another sign. 

Leo: Nardo Di Caprio will fall in love with you  (for her).   Nardo di Caprio will fall in love with you just after your "coming out" (for him)

Virgo: You will buy your first bunch of cryptocoins and so you will not be a crypto virgin anymore. (You know that "virgo" means "virgin" in Latin, don't you? ... Oh, really?) 

Libra:  You will pay your taxes better than any other https://www.libra.tech/ 

Scorpio: You will start soon your own Blockchain sCorporation and become rich. Or not.

Sagittarius: Arrows ("sagitta" in Latin) can't follow the zig-zag line of the prices. Better if you sell all your coins.

Capricorn: You will go beyond the Moon, all the way over to Mars ("Capricorn One", 1977) http://capricoin.org/en

Aquarius: Try again. And again https://aquariuscoin.com/ 

Pisces: Go to fish and something will bite


So, these are my astrological forecast for the next year. Trust me: I bought XRP two days ago. :D

Ok, I know these are silly jokes: what do you expect in a post about horoscope?!

(Astrologists, have sense of humour, please! ;) )

Happy new year!

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How can you call it a crap when you're obviously so good in horoscopes!? :D I enjoyed this post. And for the record: I really plan to buy my first cryptocoins in 2018 and be no more cryptovirgin :) (I'm Virgo)

What a funny little read this was! Nice to see some humour in some horoscopes!

Thank you for sharing

Astrology may be as reliable as some of the means people use to predict the markets.

indeed. the graphic analysis, for instance, are really funny, sometimes :D

thank you.
Happy New Year.

This is really comic and beautiful
I thank you for sharing. I appreciate your very great effort bro