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Be yourself.

He is non standart man. Especially horn...... 🚑🚑🚑🚑

I wonder if he is thinking the same thing about us?

Perhaps. Different cultures make our world more interesting 🐙🐙🐙🐙

I hope heating is on...


really ? wow!

It looks interesting.

Indeed :)

Is it a real photo? OMG!!!!! I have no words....!!!! LOL :))))))

It's real!
We pollute the planet and we call them savages. What a world.

When no one else dresses up on Halloween!!! Brutal...

It would appear as tho that yellow horn is holding his...well..horn.

I will bet 9 Steem that the woman behind him was riding reverse cowgirl within 15 mins after the meeting...jungle fever!

Haha, this is so atrocious! XD

Thats what a real leader looks like haha.


It is not about his costume but the way where he placed his horn that made it look so unusual and funny. :)

Must be a symbol of something... :D

He is from a country called Papua New Guinea. He is just a small insight to this country's very complex cultural diversity.