Co-Pilot's Log- Feverish Feasting, Domino's Downfall- The U.S.S. Minnowprize

in funny •  7 years ago  (edited)

Dominos made a horrible mistake this night.


The sun had just set, and the crew had begun meandering around, wondering what to snack upon. The mess hall was closed.

Lo and behold, a small ding sounded through the speakers on the Co-pilot's command helm. It appeared to be an email.

"50% menu items!"

The email touted. Surely, they thought this would bring more customers. Perhaps those with meager orders. Those that were not also holding a coupon for a free pizza on behalf of a mission failure on their part.

The crew of The U.S.S. Minnowprize rose as one and demanded to be fed.



The echoing chants rang through the halls. Riots were imminent... something had to be done.

Their demands were met... to a somewhat reasonable extent.


This poor pizza place had no idea the fate that was about to befall them, or the even more unfortunate delivery driver. He was met with gnashing teeth and ravenous glares. His arms torn asunder in the desperation to collect the cheesy and chocolately goodness held securely within them.

He struggled valiantly, but in the end, fell.

His body lay mangled outside next to scraps of garlic bread and wrappers of gluttony.

This was the only image I was able to capture.

It is blurry because The Captain was shaking my shoulder and growling about making haste.


The horrors I was part and party to this night will not soon be forgotten. It was like witnessing a woodchipper fed. Shreds and splinters of meat and cheese flying in all directions.

And worst of all, the woodchipper was I. It was infectious. I have filled myself to bursting. All I can smell is chicken. I think I'm dying.

The Captain now lays comatose in a crumpled heap in his bunk, the remanents of a dessert pizza dangerously close to his head.

I would move it, but I fear consequence.

Every once in a while, a low, ominous rumbling can be heard followed by a snore.

I am unsure if this signals a second wave of feasting or imminent gastrointestinal distress.

Maybe both.

If we survive this night, the night known as The Downfall of Dominos, it will be a miracle.

God speed to the rest of the crew, they will need it.

@Stitchybitch signing off.

As always thank you for reading and we hope you like what we brought to the blockchain today! Please leave your feedback in the comments! We love to hear it!! Stay tuned for Microscopic Mondays, Drones, and silliness!
Much love, @stitchybitch & @sammosk <3

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This is the delicious food, i like this blog writing. and also good this funny...

Lol, love your posts, always good for a laugh and in my case relatable, especially the gnashing teeth, although we would need a few more pizzas than that to feed my tribe!!!

amazing this post

Was that just between the two of you? Jeez you must have been hungry XD


... It... it was. hangs head in greasy shame