[LOL] ONE COIN VS. ETHEREUM - This is the funniest meme of the week!!!

in funny •  8 years ago 

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I would love a proper and thought-out article about Onecoin, they really have gone too far with what they are doing. They are the fiat of block-chain technology.

This video brings tears to my eyes every time I watch it

YES!!!! 2 new packages!!!

Hahahaha! Thanks for selling us these knowledge packages! OMG Automining means you mine at a better rate! Oh man I was to one of these conferences, I asked a shit-ton of blockchain related questions and they kept interrupting me or saying they don't know, or continuing to talk about the bonuses you get...

That video litterally brings tears to my eyes everytime... The super plus tycoon pro auto infinity maximus extra trader millionaire package! Get them while they're HOT! hahahaha it kills me

When viewing the video I vomited blood, is this normal?

When viewing the video I vomited blood, is this normal?