GANG-BUSTERS - A New Original Fiction Script by @steeminganarchy - Episode 1

in funny •  5 years ago 

Satire of "Ghostbusters"......

Episode 1 – Getting on an airplane

Characters – The Gang-Busters

Liegone – Male, high hair, coke bottle glasses, rail thin, jumbo truth-plasm pack on back

Rayzon – Male, gangly, wears high-tech goggles (like night vision, only cartoonishly jumbo).  Shoots green truth rays.

Solrisa – Female, thin and fit, long, curly hair, smiley.  Throws glowing green truth energy discs from purse.

Villains for this episode…...

Dra-goon – Yells in people’s faces, barking orders.   

Pat Downs – Touches passengers against their will.

Radiata – Constantly radiating passengers


The Gang-Busters are walking peacefully through an airport, tickets in hand, trying to get on an airplane.  As they near the boarding area……

Solrisa (sipping super-tiny, expensive coffee):  Wow, ten bucks doesn’t get ya much caffeine at an airport.

Rayzon:  That’s because of the monopoly on air transport, thanks to goon squads calling themselves “government”.

Liegone:  I dream of a world where, one day, air transport will be cheap, easy, and comfortable.

Solrisa:  And with abundant, cheap coffee.

Rayzon (looking intensely through goggles at so-called ‘security’ line):  Wow, looks like we’ve got quite a violently controlled, rights-violation zone ahead! 

Liegone:  Sounds like a job for Gang-busters!

They approach the rights-violating checkpoint.  Numerous people wearing silly costumes and badges are creating a bottleneck for passengers.  The passengers are getting radiated, touched against their will, and barked at.  They’re not asserting their rights and keeping mum.  

Solrisa:  Let’s go, Gang-Busters!

The Gang-Busters get closer to the horrific checkpoint.  

Rayzon:  I’ll take care of Dra-goon first! 

Rayzon shoots bright green rays from his goggles at one of the order-following rights-violators in uniform, the one known as “Dra-goon”, a leathery-skinned character who is barking orders at numerous people.  

After the rays make contact with Dra-goon, the fake aura of “authority” is destroyed, and people see the truth clearly.

Trendy Passenger:  Hey, what the heck, dude? It’s just a silly guy in a uniform yelling at us randomly! 

Old Lady:  Yeah! I can see clearly now! Don’t listen to that silly guy barking orders!

Buffed Guy:  Yeah, who does he think he is, anyway? 

More passengers start to mumble and grumble discontent among themselves.  Dra-goon starts to sweat and panic.  

Dra-goon:  Oh no! Why aren’t they following my orders!?

Liegone:  Nice work, Rayzon!  My turn! 

Liegone aims jumbo hose from backpack at a goon who is continuously radiating people against their will, a goon called “Radiata”.

Radiata get splattered with green, foamy goop.  This also makes the lie of external human authority disappear in the eyes of all passengers.  

Old Man:  Hey! This stooge in a uniform wants to radiate me?! Heck, no!

Valley Girl:  Like, yeah! Dudes in uniforms are so, like, not cool! 

Liegone winks at Valley Girl……

Solrisa:  Ok, the best for last!

Rayzon:  You’re so modest!

Solrisa rolls eyes at Rayzon, then turns attention to a perv in uniform that is touching people against their will, a guy known as Pat Downs…….

Solrisa takes glowing green disc of light from purse, slings it at Pat Downs….makes contact in the face……

Child:  Hey, stranger danger! Stranger danger!

Parent: (to child) That’s right! (to Pat Downs) You can’t touch my child!

Pat Downs, Dra-goon, and Radiata freak out and run away…...

All other people cheer, thank the Gang-Busters, enjoy their rights, and get on an airplane free from coercion.  

Rayzon:  Great job, Gang-Busters!

Solrisa:  Halfway there.  Now what to do when we make our international landing?…….

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from pixabay

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Hello @steeminganarchy, my friend, it's a pleasure to see that you're back. My daughters have asked me about you and you just write a new adventure,

You know I think they are reflections of things lived because the interpretation is usually very close to reality.

This phrase I liked a lot I think I'll quote it in some post I'm going to make.

That’s because of the monopoly on air transport, thanks to goon squads calling themselves “government”.

By the way, the book is almost ready. I have left a bit next to Steemit I had to look for other jobs.

Again I tell you how good you are back.

My daughters and I send you a big hug very fraternal.

Hi Jose! Great to hear from you! I was thinking just the other day that I should write to you. Tell your family I said hi!

Take care, my friend. Best wishes