RE: The #1 Imminent Threat To The Survival Of The Human Species...(Is Not What You Think It Is)

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The #1 Imminent Threat To The Survival Of The Human Species...(Is Not What You Think It Is)

in funny •  8 years ago 

"Maybe it is the stupidity of a social-acceptableness to objectify women to such a degree that we've lost respect for the true power of the Divine feminine - and being out of balance with an overcharged masculinity, our nations driven to rape & pillage the earth, corporate leaders done ill deeds in pursuit of economic dominance, and us all forgotten the gentle, kind, softness a woman has to offer and teach us." Or I would probably add that there are many fierce women who are not exactly "soft"......women are always cast into the "soft" arena, when in reality, many don't even fit this narrow category. It just gets so old. As a woman who has breasts, it just seems so insane to focus on one body part. For fuck's sake, we live in an advanced technological age. For men who are obsessed with breasts, just go out and buy a pair of fake squishy silicone ones at a sex shop. Sleep with them, do whatever you may, but let's get over the objectification for fuck's sake. It's NOT REVOLUTIONARY.

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I totally agree you. I do not vote on boobs here. I admire them and as a male I CAN be mesmerized by them, drawn to them, etc. That tends to be psychological too. We tend to be attracted and drawn to things that we don't have that people conceal. There was a time that a woman showing her ankle was alluring as boobs seem to be today. If I were to talk to natives where men and women run around mostly nude (at least topless) they likely don't give much of a thought at all to boobs. What do you think? This is just me speculating. And yes women can be very fierce. My wife was essentially a tom boy. One of my three daughters is a lesbian and proud of it. We are all human. We may be slaves to some psychological drives. This is also one reason I am against banning things. Banning things in my opinion is similar to concealing things. Those things become more alluring for some crazy psychological reason.

I definitely agree with you there brother see you myself personally I was born in Germany and that's why I kinda got shoes on both feet you know them saying mean I grew up the nude beaches the whole shebang I mean it and commercials naked people I'm it really wasn't a big deal. Now moving to the states gotta tell you it when a woman wear some skimpy close I couldn't even imagine the attention she get her she was naked I mean you got and attractive woman walking down the street wearing maybe a short skirt and a tank top and you got 6-7 pedofile sitting right there watching her with binoculars in this country and I just this country I miss the whole world I was some it's unfortunate but that's the way we're heading. Are you just being desensitized to believe in all this nudity and sex and violence and drugs homosexualism ( I know you like that word at just threw together there lol) and drinking is all okay. But quite the opposite on contrary I have a boy he's almost 2 years old now I debated this matter fact for he was even born weather not it would be responsible or would it be irresponsible to even entertain it if bringing a kid into this day in age this too much s*** going on the world that's overcrowded the world is a whole is a freaking mess. But anyways that's here nor there I'll quit rambling on thanks guys

Bringing a child into the world is about survival of more than just you and your gene pool. It is about survival of the species. We WILL always have dark times. That does not mean we should not have children. So I think having a child in this day and age is not only OKAY it is beneficial. All of our children may not make it through various trials in whatever comes with the future, but we must give them a chance to TRY. If we teach them and other people perhaps some of our ideas will survive. Thus, I don't really buy into the DON'T BRING A CHILD INTO THIS MESSED UP WORLD train of thought. I did for awhile, but no longer once I spent some time thinking about the long term consequences of such thoughts. So I am glad you have a 2 year old. I have 6 children and they are all adults. :) (2 of them are mine biologically, and the other 4 I raised as my own)

You bring up a good valid point butt theoretically let's say that here hundred years into the future governments will be overthrown world is in chaos I mean we can already kind of see the trend of more and more shootings happening at churches schools that kind of stuff. You also see the ratios of children being born with some kind of issues because of the year that we were polluting because of the food that they're throwing all this crap into because of some of the immunizations that are given to babies at such a young age that are necessary at all. And not even mention the fact that the world was scientifically analyzed and found to comfortably live only a third of the people that are on the Earth right now are needed for it to hit its maximum capacity. Yes having children is the most wonderful thing in my life but at what point as a parent once the times get bad enough when there's more shootings once there's people dying in large quantities every day from these incidents is it immature no matter how much you want to have a child to have a child. Because you mark my words that day will come and may not be in my lifetime and may not be in my son's life time but eventually more people than not are going to be with me and what I'm trying to say here the world is heading to a dark place and we're heading there quick.

@iwonttell - [2] - You hit the nesting limit so here is my response. By using an @ symbol and your name I believe it still notifies you of this post in your replies.

I can see your point. I do not see any point where I cease to try to survive, or permit my children to try to survive. No matter how difficult things get it is not the state of the world that would make me choose such a decision. Ultimately, could I teach the child, am I qualified to share ideas that may make them persevere? The key word there is MAY. If I cannot do those things then I probably should wisely choose not to have a child. If I can do those things then I should try no matter how slim the chances may seem to be.

It just gets so old. As a man who has a baby, it just seems so insane to focus on one part of life. For fuck's sake, we live in an advanced technological age. For women who are obsessed with babies, just go out and buy a fake doll designed to look like a baby & make baby noises at you. Sleep with them, do whatever you may, but let's get over the baby rabies for fuck's sake. It's NOT REVOLUTIONARY.

Good post. Also see my other post in this thread. We have lost not only Divine feminity but also Divine masculinity. We have also lost many of the important aspects of masculinity due to industrialization. Industrialization has hurt both feminity and masculinity by making everyone more like robots. Have you read King, Warrior, Magician, Lover? What about Sex at Dawn?

We have a culture of repressed sexuality and over regulation of governments and corporations. Once we get rid of that and return to nature, we can reclaim the true forms of feminity and masculinity.

You are absolutely right in people undervaluing certain feminine traits and that people do not fit stereotypes. Our modern culture is broken and has severe Yin-Yang imbalance. However, my view of this problem is very different from typical feminists. If feminity is undervalued, that means you know things that others don't and that knowledge is power. If you have all the Divine feminine power when the market slowly begin to realize the value in the Yin, you have bought low and now you can sell high and reap all the awards for your patience.

That would be the black swan event few people expect. This is why I seek antifragile feminity and I'm not a fan of the fragility of social justice worriers. One day, the time for truly strong antifragile feminity to shine will come, but for now we have to deal with the bullshit and awkwardness of the current culture. As Terrence McKenna have said, "Culture is not your friend; it is an operating system." Cryptocurrency is a step towards reprogramming society to become more fair.

Who lost what ?? Sorry for my short reply to your post but we have A choice to find THE Divine and never let it get lost ,
even in the worse times !

That is very true on the personal level. I simply see too much irrational fear in society these days. People need to become antifragile again.