RE: Life in Crypto is Like..... #35 | How You Feel When Your Friends Mock Crypto But Inside... You Are Still Scared.

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Life in Crypto is Like..... #35 | How You Feel When Your Friends Mock Crypto But Inside... You Are Still Scared.

in funny •  7 years ago 

Barry, thank you for all your posts, this one made me smile as I think we can all relate to this feeling. I would like to share a feeling with you now.

It is my belief that we are the next evolution of society. The crypto-conscious, forward-thinking, morally-present humankind of the future. We are the kindling of a bonfire that was lit long ago. It has been downtrodden and suffocated, and yet its destiny is to cleanse the deep brush of servitude and oppression. That is why despite the FUD that we may feel at times, unlike many of our peers, we take responsibility for ourselves. We are present in the moment, and we are choosing to be a part of freedom.

I think Bob Marley said it best...

"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery,
None but ourselves can free our minds!
Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them can stop the time.

How long shall they kill our profits,
While we stand aside and look? Ooo...
Some say its just a part of it,
We got to fulfill the Book,

Won't you help to sing, these songs of Freedom?"

credit: Luiz Lope5 @

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Best reply of the day and a Bob picture to boot.


Thank you.