Boots and Cats [Friday Funny]

in funny •  7 years ago 

Cats and boots happens to be two of my favorite things in the world. It's true. I live with three cats and waaaay more many boots. In fact, I have more shoes and boots than room to store them. It would be more disturbing if that was the case with my cats, but I digress.

I've recently become aware that there are people in the world who do not break out in beatboxing at the sight of cats and boots together. I find this very odd as the Internet has been around long enough for EVERYONE to have seen this spectacular meme that is going to be stuck in your head for the rest of the weekend (you're welcome).

I give you one of my all time favorite video memes of the Internet:

And while you wonder when the fuck you're going to stop hearing it on repeat in your head (so very welcome, you are!), here's Siri performing it.


Note: This feels a bit like a shitpost, so even though yesterday I promised Funny Friday, I may have to vary it up a bit.

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"Leather cat bee" and "leather beef" ... I don't know why, but hilarious! Unexpected and funny.

Nope, I had never seen it. On your seemed warning, I only breezed through it... I feel it may have magical powers, so I refuse to watch it straight through.

Hope you had a wonderful Friday and Saturday.... and that your pride of cats did not corner you and scratch you into submission!

Until your next promise,

This one definitely ranks very high on the list of "unstoppable earviruses;" now it's in there and unlikely to be dislodged for about a week...

What did you DO??? Aaaaarggh! There's only ONE thing to do now-- and this is the original:

You're welcome!

There's also badger badger mushroom. Don't make me embed it.


Potter Potter Potter Weasley, anyone?

Lol, I have been aware of boots and cats link to beatboxing. I seriously could never forget it once I've heard it. Every time I see boots or cats it's boots n' cats. haha!

Everyone should have that response to boots and cats. EVERYONE!


Ok, I spent the last 90" of my life listening to a boots-cats-bees-beef beat!

I feel enough brain-raped already :P

Mission accomplished.

-staring at computer screen with disapproving smirk-


I don't know why, but 'boots and cats' always cracks me up. It must have been from that commercial. Did not know where this came from until now. Thanks!

@phaazer1 [SquareLink]
If you can Dream it, you can Steem it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Was soooo not expecting the bees and beef! And yes, thanks for getting that stuck in my head for the rest of the weekend! XXXOOO

Off to go watch Hillary Clinton lay down some dank memes about Mt Dew, Doritos, and no-scoping some newbs so I can net a gain on brain cells today.

You must love Puss in Boots then?

One of my good friends is BallZee, the three time UK beatboxing champ, and twice a semi-finalist in the world championships. He's bloody astonishing. And he taught me boots and cats as a way to start beatboxing!!!!

What the hell is that 😅

Very nice post, if you please upvote pleased me, I am already bored with this level in 25,

Hope this cat will make you feel better. It is good to know that you have three cats. I have only one, and her name is Meow


That cat is a real stupid one.

Haaha siri performance 😆😆😆😃😃

Cats can jump up to 7 times their tail length.

Cats are fascinating but I no longer keep them

Whoever has a cat can not be afraid of loneliness.
Good post.

Ha ha, incendiary rhythm! I also love cats and different cute shoes!

haha i remember this from several years ago. "leatha boots leatha boots leatha boots"

Good post, good luck and have a good day :)

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Thank You! ⚜

Good, What is the problem if Cats and boot is remaining together.

Hahahahaha It turns out we have the same fondness @techslut. greetings friendship

I dont even...

I have a 5 cats I love him many more

Wondering how it would sound when using: dog and poop :) now I'm digressing: even for the Monday evening, the post stays funny :)

I got two cats and i just love the way they coming running to me when i return home..Boots though guys love Girls in Boots ;)